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Em's Crap: Sketches (9-11-08)

Started by MJB, May 22, 2007, 11:56:25 AM

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I love the concept, but I think a change in camera angle would dramatically increase the 'action' of the picture.  Place the camera at 45 degrees, as if he'd coming toward you but to the side.  Of course, that would mean reworking a great pic, so that's up to you. :)


Appreciate the feedback, Tortles but this one has been Spud Approved™. I've already received my next assignment. :D



Here it is folks, the last drawing for Spud's project.

I was assigned the Lizard League from Invincible. I wasn't familiar with them so Spuddles was kind enough to supply some scans for reference.

Sadly real life punched me in the junk and I missed the deadline. :(

Anyway here it is, as always I would appreciate any comments you have.



**Edited to add the inks**

Uncle Yuan

I've always loved your work, Meej.  Good stuff!

The only suggestion I have is go read Invincible!

Figure Fan

I love it!

You know, before I start a drawing, I always seem to grab a scrap sheet of paper and attempt convinve myself I can draw like MJB.

Sadly, it is not the case. I'll just have to settle for the real thing. :cool:


Thanks for the comments guys. Now that Spud's project is over I don't know when/if I'll be drawing anything.

I have some old stuff lingering around that I may finally finish if I get bored. Meh.



Started drawing this earlier today while I was cooking dinner. Started drawing it with a crappy no. 2 pencil and decided to finish it with my mechanical. Meh, I like it. :)



Edited to add...
Originally drawn on a post-it. Heh.

Comments are always appreciated!



Lou! Lou's back! I love Lou. That's a great drawing MeeJub! Who's the poor guy on the ground?


Quote from: Mowgli on July 02, 2008, 06:19:41 AM
Lou! Lou's back! I love Lou. That's a great drawing MeeJub!

Everybody loves Lou.....if they know what's good for 'em.   :loupitchfork

Quote from: Mowgli on July 02, 2008, 06:19:41 AM
Who's the poor guy on the ground?

Until it's colored, I'm voting self portrait.  heh.   :lou




Quote from: Mowgli on July 02, 2008, 06:19:41 AM
Who's the poor guy on the ground?

It's Superman. No, really. That's his cape in Blud's hand. You can see a bit of the "S" sheild on it.

Thanks for the comments guys. It means a lot. :)



I like your technique for shadowing - The drawing looks cool expecially the rocks :blink:


What color is Bloodlust exactly? I remember an old pic of him and he was reddish brown I think, is he still that color because I think he is green in COX isn't he?


In CoX he's red with tiger type stripes. In my old books he would have been a brownish red, if I had colored them.



I read somewhere that some professional artists sketch pictures of other characters to warm up their hand. The other day I planned on drawing something else but wanted to warm up first so I drew this.

Venom, Spidey and Hulk.


Uncle Yuan

Nice!  So what's it look like once you are warmed up?   I mean, if that's your scratch work . . .
