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Matrix Mod Reloaded

Started by Conduit, April 04, 2007, 08:13:56 PM

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Regarding map problems, could it be that the car has moved to a non-visible portion of the map?

I remember one time playing where the car disappeared, but I panned out and saw in a different section of the map, out of camera view.  I can't remember what I did to get it back, but I know I was able to continue the mission (did not have to restart)

For those of you who haven't changed your camera settings:

Quit FFVTTR.  Go to FFVTTR\SYSTEM and look for localinit.py.  Open it up in notepad, and add the following lines:
Quoteff.CAM_MIN_ZOOM = -280.0
ff.CAM_MAX_ZOOM = 3000.0
ff.CAM_ZOOM_TILT = 1.427996

Run the mod again and you should be able to get floor level close ups and pan out to see the full map.  If the problem happens again, try panning out, left, and right to see if you can find it. 

I'll try it again, and see if I have the same problem.


PS--Conduit, what is the Mission_Win () cheat?  I'm stuck on the freeway, but not because the car disappears (I just can't stay alive!)


Mission_Win() cheat is simply typing Mission_Win() in the debug console during gameplay.


If you can't stay alive, I'd recommend going into the Options menu and setting the difficulty level lower.  Or, failing that, the god() cheat so you can play the rest of the mission (it's activated the same way as the Mission_Win() cheat).

Also, if you need to pan over to the car, you can simply double click on Trinity's portrait.

Could anyone whom the Freeway mission works for please post?


Yeah, I finally got a chance to play this and am amazingly impressed. There's so much stuff in this mod that I wouldn't have even thought for FF. Little things (like some of the dialogue boxes didn't appear but that may be a problem with my computer not loading them quick enough) can be overlooked with this much goodness.

However, on the freeway level (which is amazing. How the heck did you accomplish it?) when I tried to ram the other car it just crashed the game. I don't know if it will happen when I try again or not, but I thought I would give a heads up.