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New Futurama

Started by stumpy, February 10, 2007, 06:56:32 AM

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I saw this bit of decaying vegetation on http://www.rottentomatoes.com/news/comments/?entryid=397361 and wondered if anyone had been keeping on top of Futurama leaks, rumors, or spoilers?

I must say, Futurama is one of my favorite shows and I was pretty psyched to hear it might be back, if even just for a limited run.


Apparently it is still coming back, at least according to infrequent posts by Billy West, voice of Fry, the Professor, and many others, and the Wikipedia article on Futurama, as 4 direct to video movies, that will then be truncated into episode-length segments and also shown on Comedy Central.


Yeah, they're due out SOME time this year.  Ha, and it's deffinetly one of my favorite shows too!  I just hope it doesn't suffer from the 'return' curse that has hit Family Guy :(


Yeah. What's the deal with that? I used to love Family Guy, but then after it was re-animated (!) from the dead, it's almost like when Dawn brought back Joyce on Buffy: something's just not right!  :P  It's as though every other joke became fart-joke-level dumb or fell into the if-you-agree-with-our-snarky-commentary-then-it's-funny category of humor.

Anyway, I have higher hopes for Futurama to avoid those pitfalls.

BRANNIGAN: The key to victory is discipline, and that means a well-made bed. By the end of this week you'll be making beds in your sleep.
FRY: You mean while I'm sleeping in it?
BRANNIGAN: You won't be sleeping, soldier! Not with all the bed-making you'll be doing!


Yeah, I know, it's gotten so disgusting, my wife and I don't watch it anymore.  It's either foul, stupid, or both. 

Bender: "And THAT is why they call me Bender the magnificient."


I agree that Family Guy has gotten crappier, though its humour was always hit and miss to me, with one truly hilarious joke followed by two or three that really fell flat.  That ratio has only gotten worse since it lumbered from its grave a horrible zombie cartoon sitcom.


Quote from: BentonGrey on February 10, 2007, 01:55:01 PMBender: "And THAT is why they call me Bender the magnificient."

Hee hee. The wonders of dolemite! :D

Though, as I recall, that episode had a very sad ending. *sniff!*


BENDER: So musicians really roger your hammerstein, huh?
LEELA: Yeah. It's weird. Sean was uneducated... unambitious. He was pasty and hunched.
FRY:  <grumbling> Pretty boy!
FRY: ... if I could just learn to play this stupid thing!
BENDER: O, but, you can! Though, you may have to metaphorically <mimes air quotes> "make a deal with the devil". And, by "devil", I mean Robot Devil. And, by "metaphorically", I mean get your coat.
FRY: I need to get really good without practicing.
ROBOT DEVIL: Ahahahahaha! Hell is full of ten-year olds who wanted exactly the same thing!
FRY: <as LEELA walks in while he writes his opera> Leela! You shouldn't be listening! I ... I don't want you to hear it until it's done.
LEELA: But, it's so beautiful!
FRY: So's a peacock, but you don't eat it until it's cooked.


LOL!  Yeah, it did have one of the saddest endings in the series, I think my wife actually teared up while watching it :(


Zoidberg: "And once again the sandwhich heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry inverstor!"

(Eats incredibly disgusting moldy sandwhich in loud and messy way)

"Wha?!  I'm ruined!"


I just hope it doesn't follow the same path as the simpsons, which i think is very stale nowadays. Also I think I saw a while back talk of a Futurama movie. Don't hold me on that though.


That episode with the dog is about the saddest 1/2 hour episode of anything.  Seriously!


Quote from: konbiz on February 11, 2007, 02:38:44 PMI just hope it doesn't follow the same path as the simpsons, which i think is very stale nowadays. Also I think I saw a while back talk of a Futurama movie. Don't hold me on that though.

Read the link above. The deal is for several Futurama DVD movies. The movies will be written so that they can be broken up to fit the half-hour TV format. Those chunks will be made (edited, material added, etc.) so that each stands on its own story-wise and then marketed for syndication (e.g. for airing on Comedy Central).

Quote from: Talavar on February 11, 2007, 03:45:01 PMThat episode with the dog is about the saddest 1/2 hour episode of anything.  Seriously!

Agreed. I know it's silly, but I remember thinking, "They should revive him anyway, even if he's still 15, just so that he can be reunited with Fry before he dies."


BTW, the first movie, Futurama: Bender's Big Score is supposedly in post-production now.


Quote from: Talavar on February 11, 2007, 03:45:01 PM
That episode with the dog is about the saddest 1/2 hour episode of anything.  Seriously!

agreed, everytime i see that one i get all teary at the end.


I see big shoulderpads and Leela with white skin and a big cyclopslike goggle over it. Fry will have lots of pouches, a big gun and no ankles. Bender will be 8 feet tall, with a really tiny head and most likely have regeneration. Amy will know martial arts and be skilled in looking hot, archery and hand guns. The Jamican (can't think of his name) will have a skull mask, flat top and also skilled in the BFG. Plus he's special Ops or something. Zoidberg will command water and be immune to most physical weapons, disecting things with his claws. He will be the only member that flies. And the Proffessor will be a computer that's in the ship, that allows them to bodyslide. This of course will hide their lack of feet.



Probably because nobody else could see the things you saw...you have to share whatever is was you took before seeing all that. :o


Quote from: Camma on February 16, 2007, 08:41:47 AM
Probably because nobody else could see the things you saw...you have to share whatever is was you took before seeing all that. :o

I think he was taking the title of this thread in a different way from everyone else...


I thought you were talking about my favorite artist redoing the Futurama universe. Isn't that what you were talking about?  :P


Little article in this months imaginefx magazine, the author of this website:
-may- be working on the team for the new series of futurama, after recieving acclaim for these images:

(incidentily she has also been contracted to produce a manga style simpsons mini series after this image:
http://www.spacecoyote.com/art/fanart/php/simpsonzu.php )


Ok, just saw the dog episode. OMG! I had tears in my eyes at the end. That was really sad.


[Sorry for the necropost, but I hate starting a new thread when an existing one already has the exact topic and context...]

The first movie, Futurama: Bender's Big Score, is set for DVD release in December of this year. Also, I think there are to be four movies, to be turned into 16 episodes on Adult Swim. That's a pretty good start on a whole season...

Also, I just ran across a video for Connie Francis' "1000 Summers" set to scenes from the "Jurassic Bark" episode we talked about above. Search youtube for futurama seymour 1000. Warning: it's just as sad as the ep itself. *sniff*


Ok, I got through about 15 seconds of that clip and had to change it. Dude, that is messed up.


Sorry, man. I tried to warn you. I watched it and I'm glad I did, but it takes the sadness of the whole episode and amplifies it for that three (or whatever) minutes of the song.

Oddly enough, I am pretty sure I have heard that song before, many years ago (my dad used to listen to that stuff), and it meant nothing to me. Now, if I ever heard it on the local oldies station, I might have to pull over...  :wacko:

Someone might have already said this, but I'll agree that the whole episode is more impactful because you are expecting something funny, so the poignancy of the ending sneaks under your radar.

Somewhere on youtube there is also a video of "terrorists" demanding that Groening and Cohen bring back Seymour long enough to reunite with Fry. It's pure weapons-grade balognium, unless you've seen this episode, in which case it's kind of funny.


Just to set things straight Adult Swim is not going to air any of the new episodes. Comedy Central bought the rights and will air the new ones along with all the old episodes in 2008.



i can top you the first time i had seen jurassic bark i had to put my dog to sleep a day or two before


Quote from: MJB on May 25, 2007, 12:29:08 PM
Just to set things straight Adult Swim is not going to air any of the new episodes. Comedy Central bought the rights and will air the new ones along with all the old episodes in 2008.


Oops! You're right, of course. I had fingers-moving-faster-than-brain disease there. :blush:

the_ultimate_evil, man that had to be rough. I hadn't had a dog in years when I first saw that, and I was still a little misty.

The Hitman

I can't wait for the Futurama movies. Really.

About that dog episode- saddest thing I've seen in a while. Somethng about the ending... man, it's rough to watch.

Also, if anyone was wondering about the origin of "Dolemite, the rock- solid mineral that doesn't wear out when there's pressure all about," do a Wikipedia search for Rudy Ray Moore, or Dolemite itself. You will not be disappointed.

[I own one of those movies.]


anyone hear anything more on the future of Futurama?

by the way, I agree that the dog episode (Jurassic Bark) is one of the saddest cartoon episodes I've ever seen. It's even made several of my friends cry...


Jurassic Bark always brings me down too, cause you always wish that he did bring the dog back. There is another episode like that where Fry keeps saying that his brother's a jerk and you keep seeing flashbacks of when his brother is mean too him, and then your made to think that he stole Fry's name, only to find out in the end that his brother named his son after Fry.


Reading this thread, I went and watched "Jurassic Bark" again. <sigh> Very good episode. I may have to watch "The Luck of the Fryish" next...

As best I know, the first movie is still slated to come out in late Fall of this year. I think the other three are supposed to be out next year.

(Fry is in an auto dealership, trying to fend off a high-pressure saleman.)
SALESMAN: Nothing makes you feel more like a man than a ThunderCougarFalconBird. So, how much were you thinking about spending on this ThunderCougarFalconBird?
FRY: Sorry, I'm not here to buy.
SALESMAN: I understand. And, it's wonderful that you don't care whether anyone questions your sexual orientation.
FRY: I care! I care plenty! I just don't know how to make 'em stop!
SALESMAN: One word: ThunderCougarFalconBird!