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PALS: Phantsmal Avatar Leage of Superheroes

Started by kkhohoho, January 30, 2007, 09:03:06 PM

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Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 19, 2007, 03:15:58 PM
:sword  Awhile back, I took the liberty of implanting GPS in our costumes. *hands the one before him a locator* Use that to find your other half. Meanwhile, I'm headed out.
DJ: Ah man, He's got that "I'm gonna go kick some tailbone" face.
:sword No, this is my "I'm going to go reason with somebody face"
DJ: You don't have one of those.
:sword Fair enough. I'm going to go find Mentok.

I daresay I might go with ye, Sword...mainly cause I feel a need to be violent for no true reason!



:sword You certainly are better at unreasonable and reasonless violence. OK DJ, go to the garage and warm up the Hot Rod's engines. If we're going to be violent, we should be cool doing so.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 20, 2007, 09:07:34 AM
:sword You certainly are better at unreasonable and reasonless violence. OK DJ, go to the garage and warm up the Hot Rod's engines. If we're going to be violent, we should be cool doing so.

Damn straight!!!

*runs off to the garage*


:swordteleport: *arrives in garage where DJ has the car waiting*
:sword You drive, my putrescent pal. I'll track Mentok.
*leaps into shotgun, while the dragon assumes the position of hood ornament.*

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 20, 2007, 12:51:17 PM
:swordteleport: *arrives in garage where DJ has the car waiting*
:sword You drive, my putrescent pal. I'll track Mentok.
*leaps into shotgun, while the dragon assumes the position of hood ornament.*

*crawls in the window, straps the window netting up and dons his helmet*  "I 'ope ye buckled in and ready ta go fast, cause I only 'ave one speed that I drive at...FAST!"  *at this, DJ shifts the car into high gear and slams his foot through the floor*


:sword *activates a magnetic clamp for Corrigan* Let's go find a green-skinned mindtaker.
DJ: As opposed to a blue-skinned one?
:sword Don't start that joke again.
*The car races past the front doorstep which for some reason has built up a concentration of snow ontop of something else.*
:sword Second Left up ahead, DJ.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 21, 2007, 12:48:47 PM
:sword *activates a magnetic clamp for Corrigan* Let's go find a green-skinned mindtaker.
DJ: As opposed to a blue-skinned one?
:sword Don't start that joke again.
*The car races past the front doorstep which for some reason has built up a concentration of snow ontop of something else.*
:sword Second Left up ahead, DJ.

Suddenly DJ starts talking like a Nascar race driver for no apparent reason.  He qucikly grabs the nearest radio and starts spouting odd racing terms.

"Ten four, buddy.  Next pit stop we gotta do something with the 'andling.  She's plowing like a dump truck entering the turn, and coming out she's wicked loose.  Crank some wedge in 'er and mess with those air pressures.  And what the 'ell 'appened to my spotter?  Did 'e go out for a 'ot dog or something?"



*cuffs DJ upside the head*
:sword Mentok dead  ahead. You get first dibs.


*abruptly jumps from the car's door, landing neatly on Sword's lap, and curls up to take a nap, apparently ignoring the frantic chase around him.*


Tiobe  :( "If I do say, I can't find my meaty counterpart, in which to change back our bodies. And Sword is probably going to come back in the Bat-Mobile any moment, and Spam is nowhere to be found. Now let me think. If I were me (Which I am...), where would I be?"

*Looks like he's thinking deeply, taking his hat off to wipe sweat from his brow, then putting it back on. He then walks around to start his thinkative juices. Then, an idea pops in his head, and he knows exactly where to go*

Tiobe  :doh: "I can't believe I didn't think of this before. Of course I... Err, he would be there. So, now I'm off. Lane! I'll be back for my drinks! Lane! Lane!! Darned assistants... They don't listen to you anymore... To Spam!"

ow_tiobe_sb, I'm not Myself, at least, I don't think, for I think, I am.... Not?


*ponders whether there's a spray bottle of catnip in the car to douse Mentok with*
*looks around*
:sword Drat. OK DJ, I have to keep a cat content. you go forth and pound the everloving green skin out of mentok.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 27, 2007, 04:08:49 AM
*ponders whether there's a spray bottle of catnip in the car to douse Mentok with*
*looks around*
:sword Drat. OK DJ, I have to keep a cat content. you go forth and pound the everloving green skin out of mentok.

*DJ pulls the hot rod to a quick stop and flings himself out of the window*  "Alrighty, I'll pound that everloving bastad inata paste!!"  *tossing all his racing gear to the side, DJ takes up a fighting stance*  "'ave at ye...ye blasted green skinned fiend!!"



*yawns, jumps onto the ground and stretches.*


Tiobe  :D "A-HA! FOUND... Yooou..."

*Tiobe, opened the door to the bathroom in which Spam visits ever so much, hoping he's in there, but alas, nobody is*

Tiobe  :mellow: "I, am in complete shock... But don't I... Err... Doesn't he always use this bathroom? Unless I am mistaken, he uses...*

*Walking along side all of the stalls, he stops at one particular one, and notices it has markings all over it, markings written with some sort of toothpaste, saying "FORIAMSPAM'SSTALL!".*

Tiobe  :huh: "This one, right here."

*Knocking on the door, he hopes to here Spam say something. But no sound emmences from the door. Tiobe gets on his hands and knees and looks at that little opening below the door. He looks, and finds feet, exactly what he was looking for*

Tiobe  :) "Exactamundo, I've found him. Alright, lad, come on out of this stall, or I'll sockittooya."

*Hearing no response, Tiobe decides to do the unfortunante non-gentleman thing to do, and bust the door open. There he finds Spam, sleeping on the toilet bowl, with toilet paper wrapped around him. Apparantly, there was some sort of struggle, and the toilet paper "choked" Spam to sleep. Tiobe drags Spam up, gets out his PALS communicator, and calls Sword*

Tiobe  :D "I've caught a big one, good Sword, fellow. A very big one indeed, as I've found our Spammy friend, finally. Whenever you get Mentok, call me, I'll be here."

*Thus, Tiobe takes Spam back down to the radio station, and lays him on the floor, keeping his eye on him*

ow_tiobe_sb, *sigh of relief*

Deaths Jester

*DJ commences to pummel Martok with a rubber chicken*

"Take that ye foul-fiend!!  This is what ye get for swapping Spammy's mind with Tiboe's!!!  Now I can't understand a word he says...damnit!!!  Ye shall pay!!"


*recieves the message and sits back to watch fantastic elastic fowl pummeling.*
*after about fifteen minutes,sword calls out to DJ.*
:sword Ok that's enough DJ. load Mentok in the trunk and we'll take him back.


Tiobe  ^_^ *still waiting for Sword and DJ to arrive, he sits and stares at Lane, making gestures for getting a Tom Collins*

ow_tiobe_sb, FORIAMSPAM!

Deaths Jester

Quote from: Sword on March 30, 2007, 04:50:31 PM
*recieves the message and sits back to watch fantastic elastic fowl pummeling.*
*after about fifteen minutes,sword calls out to DJ.*
:sword Ok that's enough DJ. load Mentok in the trunk and we'll take him back.

"But...but...I was just getting ready to let loss on him!!  FINE...I'll load him up but after this is done..I want him as a punching dummy!"  *DJ throws Mentok over his shoulder and hefts him into the car's trunk*

"Alrighty....everyone ready to go back??"


:sword I'm sure that catwhowalksbyhimself can find his way back to the mansion.
DJ: Hey Corrigan, get offa da hood and go keep Mentok company.
Corrigan: Certainly! *flies into the trunk and gets up in mentok's face.* *says many words each accompanied by the moan of mentok.*
DJ: Whazzee saying?
:sword *listens* He's tell mentok what the burning point of each part of his body is.
DJ: Oh yeah, he's your dragon, all right.
:sword Drive! We have a mindswap to undo.


Quote from: Sword on April 04, 2007, 10:46:39 AM
:sword I'm sure that catwhowalksbyhimself can find his way back to the mansion.
DJ: Hey Corrigan, get offa da hood and go keep Mentok company.
Corrigan: Certainly! *flies into the trunk and gets up in mentok's face.* *says many words each accompanied by the moan of mentok.*
DJ: Whazzee saying?
:sword *listens* He's tell mentok what the burning point of each part of his body is.
DJ: Oh yeah, he's your dragon, all right.
:sword Drive! We have a mindswap to undo.

*As the duo nears PALS's mansion, our favorite evil Santa copy awakes from his slumber on the front doorstep.*

:santa:.............Ohhhhh.................5 more minutes mommy........... *Takes his cup of coffee from his sack of "goodies" and drinks it up.* ..........Da** Crack dealers. <_<   Anyway, I think it's time I head home.  *Turns around, notices he already is home, shrugs his shoulders, and goes on in.  Passes out on the sofa.*

Deaths Jester

Quote from: kkhohoho on April 04, 2007, 05:37:35 PM
Quote from: Sword on April 04, 2007, 10:46:39 AM
:sword I'm sure that catwhowalksbyhimself can find his way back to the mansion.
DJ: Hey Corrigan, get offa da hood and go keep Mentok company.
Corrigan: Certainly! *flies into the trunk and gets up in mentok's face.* *says many words each accompanied by the moan of mentok.*
DJ: Whazzee saying?
:sword *listens* He's tell mentok what the burning point of each part of his body is.
DJ: Oh yeah, he's your dragon, all right.
:sword Drive! We have a mindswap to undo.

*As the duo nears PALS's mansion, our favorite evil Santa copy awakes from his slumber on the front doorstep.*

:santa:.............Ohhhhh.................5 more minutes mommy........... *Takes his cup of coffee from his sack of "goodies" and drinks it up.* ..........Da** Crack dealers. <_<   Anyway, I think it's time I head home.  *Turns around, notices he already is home, shrugs his shoulders, and goes on in.  Passes out on the sofa.*

*quickly the duo of Sword and DJ return from their daring adventure, blaring a blaze of fire behind their Hot Rod -mainly due to the fact DJ is a two-footed driver - with the evil Mentok in the trunk.  With a screech of the brakes, the DJ pulls the Hot Rod up to the PALS mansion door and jumps out the cars window.*

"Hope ye don't need me anymore, Sword, cause me sofa senses says some one is squating on me sofa!  And ye know how much I 'ate it when someone else squats on me sofa!!!!!"



:sword I think I have this one covered DJ
*drags the mindtaker from the trunk.*
:sword Did you enjoy my dragon's company?
Mentok: Get him away. I didn't need to know that my spleen...
:sword You performed a mindswap, Mentok. And unless you reverse it, I'll let the dragon test those boiling points.
Mentok: Yes, I will. Lead the way!
*leads Mentok to the radio station*
:sword One mindtaker as promised.


Tiobe  :D "Most excellent, dear Sword. It seems like you outdue yourself everytime a mission so encounters our castle's doorstep. Now, good Mindtaker sir, if I do believe you've mixed up me *points at Spam, still lying on the floor in a puddle of his own drool*, and him *points to himself and smiles*. Even though this experience has been quite exciting, I would like to have my own body back, and I'm sure he would like his. Now, if that made sense, do us all a favor, and switch us back, good sir. And might I say, if you just switch somebody else's mind instead of the original two, may I say that this cane shall go were no astronaut has gone before. Now then... *stands in postition for getting his original brain back*

ow_tiobe_sb, Back in Black


*Mentok at first seems unsure, until Corrigan lands on his shoulder.*
Corrigan: 245 degrees, Mentok. remember what part of the body that is?
Mentok then utters the infamous words  and a bright flash fills the area.
*the mindswap is undone, but Mentok and Sword are nowhere to be found.*

Upstairs... Mentok wakes up, chained to the ceiling by his toenail.He seems to be tied up thricely, and a whole mess of blunt instruments and rubber chickens lie by his feet.
:sword I always make good on my promises.  DJ can use you a punching dummy until he gets bored.
Mentok: NO! I will take your mind and escape.
:sword You're welcome to try. But I've fought the Pendragon. Comparatively, your mental powers are weak.
Mentok attempts to enter Sword's mind and is confronted by a landscape that looks like the David Bowie Labyrinth as created by M.C. Escher.
:sword's consciousness: Welcome to  my mind. When are you leaving?
Images of Corrigan begin floating around Mentok.
Corrigan: 235 degrees 220. 245. 250.
Mentok: AAAAAAH!  *immediately disengages to find he's still tied up and Sword is nowhere to be found.*


The room suddenly seems to turn dark, although there wasn't much light to begin with.  The darkness shudders, then gathers itself into the shape of a large and alien cat with glowing red eyes.  The shadowy cat extends a not-quite real claw up the ceiling and cuts Mentok down.

A strong feeling that he ought to follow it comes to Menok as a shudder down his spine.  Menok, finding the creature non-existent in as far has his mental powers are concerned, goes with the creature and disappears.

Meanwhile, still beside the road, the catwhowalksbyhimself turns around.  His eyes glow red, and his tale billows out into shadow. . .


*Meanwhile, in London, a familiar face picks up the phone and calls an old friend*

:prem: I hope TPE picks up the phone...it's been such a long time and he must know what I found out in London about...

*a shadow appears behind him and prem places the phone down.*

:prem: ...Well...maybe a mental message would be better?

:ph34r: That would be most acceptable.  :twisted:


:spam: *Waking up from his "sleep", he stands up on his feet, but unfortunately, falls flat on his back, slipping in the puddle of pool he made. Getting up once again, he takes a few steps but trips on his cape. After getting up a third time, Spam shakes his head, turns left, and rams straight into a wall, not knowing it was there. After trying to get up a fourth time, Spam gets on his feet, and just stands there, not wanting to risk something bad that might happen if he were to take a step. Standing comfortably, Spam begins to daydream.*

:spam: "Hmmm... Cheese."


The Phantom Eyebrow

Quote from: Premonitioner on April 06, 2007, 09:37:00 PM
*Meanwhile, in London, a familiar face picks up the phone and calls an old friend*

:prem: I hope TPE picks up the phone...it's been such a long time and he must know what I found out in London about...

*a shadow appears behind him and prem places the phone down.*

:prem: ...Well...maybe a mental message would be better?

:ph34r: That would be most acceptable.  :twisted:

* The Phantom Eyebrow's quiet enjoyment of a good book is suddenly disturbed.  He nearly spits the brandy out with the shock of it.  A grim palour spreads across the phantasmal features as the blood that is not there would be drained from his face if it was. *

:eyebrow: { Er... I have to go out now... to, er, do some... er... 

:eyebrow: { Right, back in a bit then!

* Exit the Eyebrow *


A familiar feline shape pops out of the wall.


The catwhowalksbyhimself pops back into the wall, two quickly for spam to notice the red eyes and shadowy halo around him.


:spam: *Thinking that was catwhowalksbyhimself, Spam trys to walk through the wall by himself. To his attempt, he just bangs his head agaisnt it. So, Spam punches the wall, and follows the cat in a path of some sort of destruction, not thinking about its red eyes and strange halo above its head.*

:spam: "Hmmm, I wonder why that cat sounded strange? catwhowalkbyhimself doesn't sound that way. Maybe he's going through pub-"

Spam, getting cut off by a radio announcement saying that Tom Collins are now half-price at DJ's bar.

:spam: "Ooooooohhh. Never had those before..." *thinks about stopping his rampageous wall-destroying to follow the kitty, for a tom collins*

