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Downloads Crash Game

Started by Metaloonie, February 03, 2008, 09:40:06 AM

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I've noticed that some of the meshes I've downloaded for FFvsT3R crash the game whenever I try to create a character using them. Tommyboy's Solomon Grundy mesh is one such culprit. Is there something wrong with the meshes themselves or is it something else?


some meshes made for ff1 need to be converted before being played with in ffvttr. There's a few threads around here with that info and on the wiki if you need more help (assuming no one posts with more info below me).


The Grundy mesh itself came with a .nif file. I thought that eliminated the need for conversion. Am I mistaken?


Quote from: Metaloonie on February 03, 2008, 10:08:02 AM
The Grundy mesh itself came with a .nif file. I thought that eliminated the need for conversion. Am I mistaken?
.nif is the file format used by both games.
All my meshes are made in the FF format.
Some will work in FFV3r without conversion, but some need it.
As far as I recall, neither Grundy or the Spirit meshes should NEED nifconversion, but it certainly wont hurt either.
Probably worth a try.


I see. That clears up some misunderstanding on my part. I'll get to my converting now. Thanks for your help!