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A weird skinning permission request?

Started by Peerless1, May 16, 2007, 06:22:14 PM

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Ok, so as I have stated before, I suck at skinning.  And with my new job starting Monday the 21st, I will only have time to learn 1 new trick this year (I can be kinda slow  :lol: ). 

This is where it gets weird.  I know what I want my original characters to look like, and recognize the pieces I want to put together.  Still, I am at best a stick figure artist.  So I wondered if any one is terribly opposed to me *gulps* kitbashing their skins [not for release to community, but] in order to give a skinner who may be willing to help me a basic visual of what I desire.  I understand that the ol' "KB" is an evil word, but my options are limited, and I work better visually (although I skin and draw poorly) than trying to describe images in words.  Kinda lame for a "has-been" English major, isn't it?  ;)

Well, please don't be angry.  :puppyeyes: If you say no, I understand.  It is after all your blood sweat and tears going into these skins.  I just wanted to ask, because I am hopelessly inept, and have been working on my little universe for 21 years now, with no artistic talent to back me up. :doh: This is the final stage.  And with the images in hand, the verbal descriptions are much easier to write.

Thanks for all the great stuff  :drool: . :ff: has been so much more fun thanks to all your efforts.


You're worrying about it too much. Kitbashing is only an issue for releasing. What you do privately is up to you. Heck, I kitbash skins all the time for meshes I have in development and I don't think twice about sending the skin with the mesh to the final skinner.


Well, that is my kryptonite, Ren.  I just don't want to insult anyone, y'know?  Thanks for the input.


Yeah, if you don't release it most people don't care. And besides, who is even going to know?

Of course, I allow any of my skins to be kitbashed to heck. I mean, that's how I learned how to skin somewhat decently in the first place. I tend to think it's a good way to start, really.



Actually, I just don't want to do anyone wrong, as I probably am going to need TONS of assistance.

Again, Unko, Thanks.