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FF Movie: Galactus is a Cloud

Started by JeyNyce, April 19, 2007, 01:17:01 PM

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I heard about this. I'll wait until I see the movie before passing judgment.



LOL, it was only if they designed a cool Galactus that would have had me entertain watching a sequel.  So I guess I'll steer clear unless this turns out to be false.


Okay... and? Galactus is yet another on the long list of characters who would look utterly ridiculous if translated to real life. Making him a cloud is a bit extreme, but they definitely needed to make him more abstract to make him make sense in the movie.

C'mon guys, let's not argue about this... there are going to be so many BIGGER reasons not to see this movie, I wouldn't worry about the small stuff like this. ;)


Heh, that's why Galactus was the only thing that might've gotten me to watch.  Although I do agree that he would be very hard to translate, he could have been done as a giant being that didn't look like a human guy with a big hat.  Heck I thought Silver Surfer would look hokey but they got him anyway.

Spring Heeled Jack

No way would a cloud need a naked silver man to do its bidding. Clouds are teh uber.


Quote from: captainspud on April 19, 2007, 05:06:47 PM
Okay... and? Galactus is yet another on the long list of characters who would look utterly ridiculous if translated to real life. Making him a cloud is a bit extreme, but they definitely needed to make him more abstract to make him make sense in the movie.

C'mon guys, let's not argue about this... there are going to be so many BIGGER reasons not to see this movie, I wouldn't worry about the small stuff like this. ;)

In Marvel Ultimate Alliance, they actually made him look good and realistic.  But yeah movie probably will be "meh" like the last one.


"Meh" gives the first one too much credit. It was APPALLING. There was never a 5-minute period without at least one cringe-worthy bit of awful dialogue.


Well, I was hoping for something slightly more extra-terrestrial than a big guy in purple, maybe a different skin color, that kind of thing....but THIS?  Well, I certainly am not saying that I won't see the movie, but I'm a good deal less excited about it now.  I still think the Surfer looks awesome....let's just hope that this is wrong.


I dunno... IMHO, I think they really needed to de-anthropomorphize the Galactus visual. Sure, he looks cool in the comics but a giant-sized humanoid in a purple and blue suit as the main villain probably wouldn't go over too well with a non-comics reading movie audience... there's something a little too hokey for the mainstream viewer there.


Doctor TOC

The rumour about Galactus being a cloud are being denied by Fox right now - http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/070419p.php. They're also saying that the showing in Seattle at the AICN report information was supposed to have been taken from didn't happen. Wouldn't be the first time someone spoofed AICN just to watch the fan boys froth after all.

Official word on the subject is;
"Laurence Fishburne is officially the voice of the Silver Surfer and not the voice of Galactus, as some other fan sites have stated.

There was never a Seattle test screening, period. Finally, moviegoers will have to wait to see Galactus in the movie, but fans definitely won't be disappointed."

All that said, Galactus and his ship have appeared from within a cloud a couple of times in his history. I wonder if it's possible that this is the case this time around. Perhaps he enters the atmosphere wrapped in cloud as the alien ships did in ID4, to be revealed in his glory only when he comes to a halt and cools down?

Either way, I'll wait until the movie is actually out before passsing judgement.

Uncle Yuan

When I first read this it struck me that the cloud could simply be an early scene release CGI stand-in in for the real Galactus to be revealed later.


Maybe Galactus emerges from the cloud, which was an inadvertant release of the Planet Spicy Mexican, the last celestial body he devoured.

"I Am Galactus. And Excuse me."


Even in the comics, Galactus is not really humanoid anyways.  He is just perceived that way by humans because their minds cannot cope with his true existence.  Each alien race sees him in a different way.  So even if the rumors had been true, it might not have been a total disaster, especially if he used a humanoid face hologram or illusion similar to the comic Galactus to actually speak.

Either way, we'll have to wait and see.

I am hopeful, though.  The teaser scene with the Silver Surfer shows him looking great and acting consistently with the comic version.  They didn't even depower him to make the fight with Torchey even.

They also promised that Doom will lose the whole electric metal man thing and go back to a more classic version of Doom.  (Trying to steal Surfer's powers instead, just as he did in the comics.)


Hey Cat, I could live with that.  I'm glad to hear this is being denied.  I'm also glad to hear that about Doom too, sounds awesome.

The Pwime

Quote from: captainspud on April 19, 2007, 07:08:39 PM
"Meh" gives the first one too much credit. It was APPALLING. There was never a 5-minute period without at least one cringe-worthy bit of awful dialogue.
Ghost Rider was worse.


QuoteGhost Rider was worse.

Yes it was... but not by much.


Quote from: captainspud on April 19, 2007, 05:06:47 PM
Okay... and? Galactus is yet another on the long list of characters who would look utterly ridiculous if translated to real life. Making him a cloud is a bit extreme, but they definitely needed to make him more abstract to make him make sense in the movie.

Lose the purple hat, sure. More abstract is a HUGE mistake.  Dont even try to tell me a 500 foot Terminator robot wouldnt a) look cool as heck  and b) make much more sense than a cloud.

The first movie wasn't anywhere near as good as it could (and should) have been, but it wasn't terrible.  Marvel's done much, much worse *coughElektracough*


Quote from: bredon7777 on April 21, 2007, 03:24:18 AM
Quote from: captainspud on April 19, 2007, 05:06:47 PM
Okay... and? Galactus is yet another on the long list of characters who would look utterly ridiculous if translated to real life. Making him a cloud is a bit extreme, but they definitely needed to make him more abstract to make him make sense in the movie.

Lose the purple hat, sure. More abstract is a HUGE mistake.  Dont even try to tell me a 500 foot Terminator robot wouldnt a) look cool as heck  and b) make much more sense than a cloud.

The first movie wasn't anywhere near as good as it could (and should) have been, but it wasn't terrible.  Marvel's done much, much worse *coughElektracough*

Hey Elektra wasn't that bad!... Uh ok so I didn't exactly watch the entire movie... ok it sucked nvm. Sooo... Galactus as a giant cloud... Well hey, maybe he can change shape! :P


90's Captain America for the win in worst Marvel movie. The president threw more punches than Cap.


Man, that WAS pretty bad wasn't it? Although I vote for The Punsiher (the remake with John Travolta) as the worst movie. I mean...ugh

As for Galactus...that's just...wrong. The big guy deserves a flashy entrance, and a cloud...ain't gonna cut it. And trying to represent him AS the cloud...O_o


Well, first of all, I should say I was actually pleased with the first movie.  Yes, I know that's not a popular thing to say, but they did some things right.  First of all, they didn't dorkify Doom's head gear and strip away the color that made him recognizable like they did with Magneto.  Secondly, their orgin was plausable.  We talk about Galactus(more on him in a sec), but as far as realism goes vs a comic book, a scientist, a pilot crew of two and a R&D head going into space sounds infintely better than a family going into space.  And beyond that much of Chris Evens' performance made the movie much better than it would have been.

With that said, my first impressions of the Silver Surfer, which were questions I had about the actor and confirmations when I saw him on the screen are reflected through the first time I thought about the Silver Surfer on film watching Terminator 2.  I truly didn't want him looking like a scrawny version of the T-1000, which unfortunately he does.  Personally, I thought he'd be cut a bit more, more muscle mass.  Not saying he should be built like a Silver Swarchenegger, but seriously Doug Jones is like a toothpick.

And with all of that said, I am looking forward to seeing what Galactus looks like.  I've already come to terms that he probably won't be on film for no more than 15 minutes and frankly, they could have elected not to put him in the movie in the first place.  However, one thing I did want them to stay away from was the Ultimate hive thingy that he appears to be.  That's probably one of the worse ideas I've ever heard.  In fact, if he is indeed a cloud, I'd rather that than what he is in the Ultimate trilogy.  However, per Ioan Gruffuld, he's an element and he doesn't physically appear, but the director says you definitely can expect to see him/it...  So who knows.  Like I said with Bryan Singer and Superman Returns, I'll trust the director.  Frankly, I don't have any other choice.