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Watermarking a photo

Started by Mr. Hamrick, October 31, 2008, 01:33:11 PM

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Mr. Hamrick

Ok, I do not have access to a photo editing program on my mac other than the basic "Preview" program on here. 

I need some pics edited to where they have a watermark at the bottom of the photo stating something like
"Property of Gary Hamrick Jr. and www.garyhamrick.com". 

Anyone here good with watermarking pics and can help me out?  Thanks.


What exactly are you looking for?

something like this?

I would be willing to throw something like this on some images.....how many are we talking?

Mr. Hamrick

Yeah, exactly like that only using photos of me.   actually, just put

"Property of Gary Hamrick Jr.
Photo by Pitter Goughnour"


"Property of www.garyhamrick.com
Photo by Pitter Goughnour"

With these photos:




Hows this?



Mr. Hamrick