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Need some help with some avatar art and other art

Started by Mr. Hamrick, August 09, 2008, 08:13:48 PM

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Mr. Hamrick

Ok, I have a "My Heroes Ability" group going on Facebook.  The "MHA" app is a game based off of Heroes and is rather fun.  Well, for my hero on their, I brought back The Whiskey Saint. 

I was wondering if someone could do some art for the character based off the old Avatar design that Paradox did.  I have the skin but no way to access it. (I am on a mac)  but I can email the zip file to anyone interested in helping. 

And well, if anyone wants, I would love to have some other graphics made for our group and group members.


The Whiskey Saint? I remember the name, but only vaugely. Maybe I could take a little look? Do you have the mesh for it too?

Mr. Hamrick

Nope, i had to get the skin from Premonitioner but he didn't have the mesh for it either.

I do know it was an altered mesh that Paradox did and that the alterations may be in the thing.  But again, this is best guess of the matter.


Well, I suppose if you just explain what's what with the extras and whatnot, I could still do it.

Send it anyhow, over to joe dot idiot at gmail dot com. I will see what I can do.

Mr. Hamrick


and for some reason I think he used the Van Helsing mesh

the other adapted mesh was for a different version of the skin.


recollections from a spotty memory:

if I'm remembering what WS looked like, I think the Van Helsing mesh sounds right, and I almost seem to recall it being mentioned in use for the skin.  But don't put any sort of credence on any of that.  :P

Mr. Hamrick

i think it was the van hellsing.   This would be part of the problem fixed.  Unko has been gratiously communicating via email.

I know some other people on the group with Avatars if anyone is interested.  AND we still need  small banner similar to this one
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk43/snowman1314/Heroes/2-1.jpg  but with our group name.  For right now, our group is simply "The Agency".  I think we need a "front company" kinda like how Primatech is the front the "The Company" on the show.

the goal is to get out past looking like this group's somewhat: http://apps.new.facebook.com/ability/group/3305 but cooler.