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What is coproducer.org?

Started by stumpy, July 24, 2008, 08:53:54 PM

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What I've seen about http://www.coproducer.org/:

QuoteA movie production company called COPRODUCER.ORG has developed a new concept for film production. Their idea is to create a team of movie enthusiasts who would be polled about how a movie should be made during its actual production. Working with the director, producers and actors online, the poll-takers will become "co-producers" of the movie who get to help make the important decisions about many aspects of the film.

Among the tasks the "co-producers" might have
QuoteChoose from a short list of plot lines
Help with post-production editing
Help to shape the cinematography
Help to solve unexpected production problems
Provide original plot ideas
Choose the soundtrack to the movie
Decide between different scene takes
Come up with marketing ideas for the movie
Help to develop the characters
Choose the title of the movie
Choose actors (from online screen tests)
Approve the script
Help the director make key decisions that come up during shooting
Watch and rank "dailies"
Choose between different versions of the trailer

There also appears to be some sort of revenue-sharing plan
QuoteThe movie production company COPRODUCER.ORG will distribute, for free, 55% of the movie's profits (from all forms of revenue, including theatrical release, DVD release, TV rights and associated product rights) between everyone who has joined COPRODUCER.ORG.

The 55% will be split as follows:

30% will be allocated on an equal basis to all those who join before July 31. These will be "Stage 1" shareholders.

The remaining 25% of shares ("Stage 2") will be allocated for additional panel activities during the rest of the production process. "Stage 1" shareholders can also become, in addition, "Stage 2" shareholders.

At no stage will any member of the panel ever be asked to contribute any money towards the project. The full budget for a quality production has already been allocated.

Is this a scam? Not that it couldn't be legit, but I have to think it's an extraordinarily cumbersome way to make a movie. Interesting idea, though.

This sort of thing is interesting to me because, like many naive egomaniacs, I think my thoughts about movies could make them better. But, I am not signing up. For one thing, I really doubt that the financial bakers of a movie are willing to let up to 55% of the profits go to internet loons who may or may not have anything to contribute, unless "profit" is defined in some way that winds up being a trivial amount.

Mr. Hamrick

i may look into to as I am in the field.  :) 

thanks for the tip.


Gave them my spam email. I'll see what they send me before I committ more.