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Pyro's Stuff -- Digibashes - Storm Shadow added!

Started by Pyroclasm, April 19, 2008, 07:53:28 PM

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Any chance you're working on a B.A.T. for the GI Joe movie?  I just like those guys.


Possibly.  Just gotta find the parts to make the digibash.


Interesting casting choice with the Tomax/Xamot piece...I have to say they look the part....or rather, he looks the part.  I wonder what would be better for a movie, having one actor play two parts, or actually hiring a pair of twins.... ;)

:EDIT: Hey Pyro, if you don't mind me making a request, I'd like to see you cast and create a Shipwreck for us!  He's always been one of my favorite JOEs, and he'd either be really easy to nail down, or ridiculously hard, because the cartoon defined him so very well.


A fellow on another board requested that I revisit Hawk.  He indicated that when he envisions an officer with a beret, he thinks of Flint.  So I did some further research on Hawk and found that when he became General he had two types of head-gear: 1) A green helmet with goggles like those our ground troops use, and 2) the garrison cap.  I always thought he looked funny wearing that helmet with his jacket, so I opted to give him the garrison hat even though my research indicates that it isn't used by the U.S. Army anymore.  I figure General Hawk is an older guy so he probably would wear the garrison cap for nostalgic reasons.  (It's not like he's wearing "official" Army garb anyway.) :)  Oh, and the figures with the garrison cap showed him with sunglasses, so I added those too.


With the new hat he looks like an irate, vengeful flight attendant.  :thumbup:


Not too sold on him wearing a garrison cap (what we jokingly called a "[euphemism-for-female-genitalia] cap" behind officers' backs when I was in the Philippine Army reserves). Part of the reason that it doesn't work (for me, at least) is that the garrison cap should only be worn in formal Class-A or Class-B full dress uniform, not with a BDU, so it sort of looks a little awkward, like seeing a guy wearing a bowtie with jeans and a t-shirt.


Yeah, it's kind of weird, but it matches the figure:
Though I think the hat is supposed to be tilted to the side.  Is that right?


Quote from: Pyroclasm on May 11, 2008, 06:36:09 PM
Yeah, it's kind of weird, but it matches the figure:
Though I think the hat is supposed to be tilted to the side.  Is that right?

Ah, if it matches a particular toy then I guess it's okay (it certainly falls within the guidelines you set for yourself with these digibashes).

The garrison cap, AFAIK, is only worn tilted to the side with female uniforms (to accommodate their hair).


Quote from: thalaw2 on May 08, 2008, 05:45:05 PM
Any chance you're working on a B.A.T. for the GI Joe movie?  I just like those guys.
This took a lot of work.  I'm very much enjoying piecing together new characters over the colorizing/modding of the existing ones.  The B.A.T. (Battle Android Trooper) was created using a base picture of an Army prototype "future armor".  Made it darker while highlighting some of the plating and trim.  Used the arms from a C-3PO costume prototype.  The cobra logo is an embroidered patch, and the chrome faceplate comes from Iron Man's mask.  I opted to not have Neon Orange/Hazard Yellow trim since that would just be too gaudy.  His inner workings are a photo of an engine.  Instead of having interchangeable hands in a backpack, his right arm would work like the Termanatrix' arm and simply convert to the weapon of choice.  Hope you like it.


That's awesome!  I forced myself to read the process before looking at the pic...and I was thinking there is no way C 3PO and car engine would work...but you pulled it off!  Cool!


Here's Snake Eyes.  This was a modification based on a request on HissTank. First thing I did was eliminate the big rubbery creases in his torso, and removed the molded muscles.  I then got rid of the molded nose and mouth.  I darkened his upper torso and added a grain texture to slightly mimic the color and texture of the cloth parts of his costume.  The idea behind the above changes was to make it look like he's wearing some sort of fabric rather than castoffs from 1989's "Batman".  His goggles were blackened so you can't see his eyes.  Last thing I did was emboss and enhance the insignia on his shoulder.


Haven't seen the specific original image so I can't really speak for the improvements.

Always thought it odd that they'd put the chi chi/Kî Žî (After Completion - Water over Fire) hexagram on his costume/uniform, though.


Quote from: zuludelta on June 02, 2008, 10:51:34 AM
Haven't seen the specific original image so I can't really speak for the improvements.
Here's the original image:

Quote from: zuludelta on June 02, 2008, 10:51:34 AM
Always thought it odd that they'd put the chi chi/Kî Žî (After Completion - Water over Fire) hexagram on his costume/uniform, though.
Yeah, it's odd, but it is accurate at least to his comic incarnation.  Note he and Storm Shadow also have the symbol on the base of their sword blades.


Good job with the alterations. It does seem like the original pic has a little too much of the "rubber muscle suit" look going on. Your version has more of a Lycra/spandex look to it... which is at least something a soldier might reasonably wear (SEAL wetsuits are interwoven with spandex/Lycra).

Quote from: Pyroclasm on June 02, 2008, 02:38:54 PM
Quote from: zuludelta on June 02, 2008, 10:51:34 AM

Haven't seen the specific original image so I can't really speak for the improvements.
Quote from: zuludelta on June 02, 2008, 10:51:34 AM
Always thought it odd that they'd put the chi chi/Kî Žî (After Completion - Water over Fire) hexagram on his costume/uniform, though.
Yeah, it's odd, but it is accurate at least to his comic incarnation.  Note he and Storm Shadow also have the symbol on the base of their sword blades.

Did he ever display the hexagram publicly on his costume, though? Granted, I stopped reading the comics by issue #98 or so, but I always thought the clan tattoo was something of a secret.


This looks like the version of Snake-Eyes the costume designers used for the top half of his costume:
Glossy with prominent muscles, visible lip shape, and clan symbol.


To go along with my digibash of Snake Eyes is this version of Storm Shadow!  He was fairly simple.  I just broke up the plain white with red and grey.  Added shuriken to his belt, and embossed a red cobra logo on his mask.  I didn't hate the version the designers came up with, but for some reason it seems as if they only want to use black, grey or white in their designs.
Current projects in planning:


I really like what you did with the Storm-Shadow design, although I'm probably biased in that regard (he is my favourite GI Joe-related character, along with Zartan and the Dreadnoks).


Quote from: Pyroclasm on June 05, 2008, 04:27:10 AM
To go along with my digibash of Snake Eyes is this version of Storm Shadow!  He was fairly simple.  I just broke up the plain white with red and grey.  Added shuriken to his belt, and embossed a red cobra logo on his mask.  I didn't hate the version the designers came up with, but for some reason it seems as if they only want to use black, grey or white in their designs.
Current projects in planning:
Firefly the tv show or other?
