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Ohhhhh, daddy want...

Started by Sevenforce, December 11, 2007, 09:17:40 AM

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Oh my...

I think...I believe I may buy a console JUST for this game. It's so...so...awesome!



Quote from: YoungHeros on December 11, 2007, 09:28:09 AM
Which console?! :blink:

The end of the movie didnt mention which consoles.  I would assume that if it were an exclusive we woulda heard "only on <insert next gen console here>".


XBox 360, PSP, PS2, PS3 and surprisingly enough...the Wii! I may just get myself a Wii, I can imagine this being ALL sortsa fun!


I wonder if it's going to be a sandbox type game or strictly mission based.


gotto say... this looks far too much like a prettier hulk UD with flying and guns for my liking >_>
yes it's shiney, but just about all the action clips there are using the same things, tony flying, tony braking in air, flying again, braking and shooting, flying and shooting, then running... running and shooting, flying again, some kind of environment interaction, not unlike picking up a tank in H:UD, flying some more, and shooting some more >_>

The Pwime

Quote from: UnfluffyBunny on December 11, 2007, 01:17:49 PM
gotto say... this looks far too much like a prettier hulk UD with flying and guns for my liking >_>
yes it's shiney, but just about all the action clips there are using the same things, tony flying, tony braking in air, flying again, braking and shooting, flying and shooting, then running... running and shooting, flying again, some kind of environment interaction, not unlike picking up a tank in H:UD, flying some more, and shooting some more >_>
yeah, and it looks like there's way more emphasis on the flying portion of the game than there is on land combat.  I mean, yeah, of course he's supposed to fly around...he's freaking Iron Man.  But if they cheap out and give him a mere one or two combos, the game is going to turn out just like Transformers...a total letdown.  The shooting looks way too tedious to make an entire game.


I don`t expect much from free-roam games, they usually end up being repetative and boring (spider-man 2, superman returns etc).


Quote from: bat1987 on December 12, 2007, 05:07:18 AM
I don`t expect much from free-roam games, they usually end up being repetative and boring (spider-man 2,





For a moment, I was beginning to feel quite left out with this console business.  Then I went to the SEGA site and noticed that the following versions, including PC (:thumbup:), are slated for release in Spring 2008:

Quote from: SEGAPlayStation®2
Nintendo DS™
Xbox 360®
PSP® system

I just might give this title a go.  ^_^  Thanks for the link, 7.

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


Quote from: captainspud on December 12, 2007, 06:19:11 AM
Quote from: bat1987 on December 12, 2007, 05:07:18 AM
I don`t expect much from free-roam games, they usually end up being repetative and boring (spider-man 2,




Amen!  spider-man 2 was a revolutionary game! 

Good heavens, what's wrong with me?  I'm agreeing with Spud twice in one week?

You know, this Ironman looks pretty freakin' awesome.  I hope that we're not seeing a lot of variety because they are trying to tie it in with the movie trailers....but I suppose we'll see.  Ohh, and I though Hulk U:D was pretty awesome.  Yeah, it got repetitive, but it was still a whole lot of fun.  However, an Ironman game should, by virtue of the character, be a bit more complex than a Hulk game.


At the moment, I agree with syn. I was bored watching the trailer and that's only because it didnt show all that much (and I totally ignored the graphics for the most part). Hulk may have been repetitive, but you really didn't notice it until the game was towards the middle, but at least it gave you a large variety of attacks and a nice selection of enemies. Ultimate spidey was similar...that's a game in general--it's repetitive. Hopefully this game will have a good selection of enemies, several different attacks for Ironman, and perhaps a few minigames.

*gasps* It could be the first good solo ironman game on a console [ignoring handheld]!


Quote from: BentonGrey on December 12, 2007, 08:02:31 AM
Quote from: captainspud on December 12, 2007, 06:19:11 AM
Quote from: bat1987 on December 12, 2007, 05:07:18 AM
I don`t expect much from free-roam games, they usually end up being repetative and boring (spider-man 2,




Amen!  spider-man 2 was a revolutionary game! 

Good heavens, what's wrong with me?  I'm agreeing with Spud twice in one week?

You know, this Ironman looks pretty freakin' awesome.  I hope that we're not seeing a lot of variety because they are trying to tie it in with the movie trailers....but I suppose we'll see.  Ohh, and I though Hulk U:D was pretty awesome.  Yeah, it got repetitive, but it was still a whole lot of fun.  However, an Ironman game should, by virtue of the character, be a bit more complex than a Hulk game.

Dunno why, but I liked Ultimate Spidey better...
BTW Iron Man graphics look awesome!


I think the game looks good, but as said before, it also looks like yet another hit-or-miss free roam game. My favorite one of the Marvel kind has been Hulk Ultimate Destruction. I thought that game was awesome and much better than Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man. Even though it got repetitive, as all free-roam games do, I thought the game had way more variety than the Spider-Man games. (note: I haven't played Spider-man 3 yet, but I've heard it's just Spidey 2 with a new coat of paint).

I'll wait to see what others have to say on this one before I plug down any cash on it. I've played too many of these Marvel sandbox games already, and most of them have been mediocre at best (sans Hulk).

Don't get me wrong. I really enjoyed the Spider-Mans, but I wouldn't call them "revolutionary." They went in the right direction, but both of those games got really dull once the story missions were over (at about 5-6 hours), and the story missions were pretty crappily presented in Spider-Man 2 (Ultimate had a lot more presentation but the webslinging wasn't as fun).


As far as Spider-Man 2 goes I would call it revolutionary in one respect, the movement and travel in the game. It was done pretty much perfectly, it was one of the first and only games I've played that really nailed down moving around as Spider-man. That and Bruce Campbell narrating the tutorial was also a lot of fun.

Hulk Ultimate Destruction is probably my favorite Sandbox style game ever, I love that game so much. If Ironman is just a flying version of Hulk: UD, or some strange synthesis of Hulk + Crimson Skies (or some other flying shooter) I would be really happy with it.

Free roaming games don't bother me, though a lot of that is I skipped around completing them unless they were really really good. I've at least played nearly all of them a few times, but I haven't played entirely through all of them.

I take it Spider-man 3 wasn't that great then? I haven't played it yet.


spidey 3 wasn't all that great for PC,  but it was better than the spidey 2 pc game, from what i remember. but spidey 3 was REALLY buggy, and lagged a lot.

i have to say my favorite sandbox game period has to be, The Warriors!  it was great.   if only DC got their act together and created a decent Batman sandbox game.  incorporate some elements from Spider-man (the scale of the buildings, height, and swinging) with elements from GTA (driving, shooting) and some from Warriors (allies, gang brawling)


Quote from: detourne_me on December 20, 2007, 07:37:49 AM
i have to say my favorite sandbox game period has to be, The Warriors!  it was great.   if only DC got their act together and created a decent Batman sandbox game.  incorporate some elements from Spider-man (the scale of the buildings, height, and swinging) with elements from GTA (driving, shooting) and some from Warriors (allies, gang brawling)

The Warriors, now that was a work of art!  I'm not holding my breath for the Batman.  They've yet to do justice for 'ol Bats in a game yet. 

Ironman is looking more of a mission based game to me, but hopefully we can play in an Ironman sandbox.   Hopefully they'll make better use of supervillains.  spider-man 2 would have benefited from some random "defeat the supervillain" missions after the story mode.  Plus, where was the unlockable content?  Why do these games always regress?  Here's hoping Ironman's got it all...Hulk UD game play, unlockable costumes/armor/characters, and post-story gameplay.


I wouldn't really call The Warriors a sandbox game. Not in the true sense anyways. It was sort of a pseudo-sandbox type game because it had level structure and you didn't actually play in a big open city, just portions of it with multiple exploration options.

Has anyone played Superman Returns? I saw this game brand new on clearance for 10 dollars at Target yesterday (for 360). I considered picking it up, but remembering almost all Superman games have notoriety for being absolute garbage. What did you guys think of this game and how is it in relation to Spider-Man 2 and Hulk?


this took my breath away when i saw this sweet trailer.
but it looks like this game is for 360 and ps3.


Quote from: SnowMan on December 22, 2007, 12:05:14 PM
this took my breath away when i saw this sweet trailer.
but it looks like this game is for 360 and ps3.

Quote from: ow_tiobe_sb on December 12, 2007, 06:38:56 AM
For a moment, I was beginning to feel quite left out with this console business.  Then I went to the SEGA site and noticed that the following versions, including PC (:thumbup:), are slated for release in Spring 2008:

Quote from: SEGAPlayStation®2
Nintendo DS™
Xbox 360®
PSP® system

I just might give this title a go.  ^_^  Thanks for the link, 7.

Phantom Bunburyist and The Prat in the Hat


no way for ds also!
awsome :thumbup: