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i11 in Closed Beta

Started by Midnight, October 09, 2007, 04:23:36 PM

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Quote from: MJB on October 20, 2007, 01:11:17 AM
Nice work Cryptic, now get us some new faces!


You realize those new faces would be in-game only right? :P



Oh yeah, what i meant was that the features of the face don't change during the game(eyes don't blink, mouth doesn't open during speech or during an attack, face doesn't contort in pain when attacked). Using the scale sliders changes the proportions of the head's mesh (or model) but doesn't affect the rendered face image.
So as there is no change in the skin of the face, they only need to make individual, static image files to increase the number of face options allowed to us. And like i said, i'm sure any half talented digital artist could throw a bunch of them together in no time, heck the skinners right here at FR do it on a regular basis. If i can do it, im sure they could manage it.  :P As such it must be easier for anyone to make a bunch of new faces than to make a slew of new hairstyles.
While the hairstyles are much needed and well recieved (by me at least) i feel the same way as MJB; i would like more faces to choose from :) I guess i have been spoiled by FF, it allows me to add anything i want to the game, and sometimes COX feels like its missing parts that i would consider essential...but thats my selfishness showing. COX is the most in depth character creator i have seen, surpassing oblivion or any other game. I am appreciative of the extras that NC puts out for us...and yet i have six characters all using the same face skin...


The new hairstyles rock... will definitely be changing some stuff out.

The ParagonWiki for Issue 11 notes one possible (unconfirmed) feature is an archnemesis system.  If such a thing is even under serious development, I'd be excited whether or not it appears in issue 11!


I would love it if they would just complete all of the textures that they have where they could go on all the parts of the costume, not just on some parts of it.