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Katie Hannon update with I10?

Started by El Condor, July 08, 2007, 07:19:02 AM

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El Condor


This is a little heads up for any of you who do the occasional Katie Hannon express tf (as well as anyone in who traffics the market for hero-side recipes).  You might have already seen this, but I thought I'd send this link along in case you hadn't.  Looks like  Katie won't be as quick to farm for the recipes, and that may be reflected in the market for that recipe pool.



Well, it won't be a 15 minute TF any more, but it's still the shortest one by far. The question is, does being beaten by Mary result in a failed TF or not.



I still havent done this TF with prelate.

any chance I could book a seat on the next SG katie run?


FR hasn't run this in an age to my recollection.


We ran it about a couple months back, but we did it right.  Not the cheese-way.


cheese or un-cheese, I'm really hoping to do this soon :)