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I'm A Skrull!

Started by Mowgli, April 02, 2008, 01:16:49 PM

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i doubt brubaker would have let it happen without serious protest anyways...


The whole Secret Invasion mini was a big cluster F! 

Finding out that the original Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew, whom I thought had returned was a fake the whole time was bad enough (thank Dog I stopped buying New Avengers a long while back or I really would have been ticked), but to bring back a really and truly  dead character (Mockingbird, who died a real death and whose soul was trapped in hell!) and then to fake-kill the Wasp was just the stupid icing on a stupid cake.

I'm glad I stopped at issue three of Stupid Inva...I mean, Secret Invasion...Blech!



I agree with Prev....A writer shouldn't potentially sabotage an up-coming series like that...Oh wait...He's done the same thing to the Spider-Woman series (with Jessica not being Jessica for years now), since I won't be buying the crap.  I won't support anything by the man again.  If she gets handed to a new writer, I'll consider reading her again.


Quote from: Previsionary on December 03, 2008, 09:25:08 PM
I'd agree, but you don't go out and ruin a potential storyline before issue 1 even comes out (or whichever issue those interviews starting coming out in). You let them be until that point of the story has passed. I would have enjoyed it so much more if it wasn't thrown out before hand that this person or that person was or wasn't the skrull...which was kinda the point of the event...you weren't supposed to know before hand. I think it was pretty clear that Capt/Steve wasn't going to come back considering we saw his body at least twice and skrull cap died...and invader's cap is running around...+ bucky. But then again...Mockingbird randomly reappeared...so...*shrugs*.
