Freedom Reborn Archive

Freedom Force Forums => Scripting Forum => Topic started by: lmalonsof on September 16, 2008, 01:13:19 AM

Title: EZScript, problems with 'simple choice'
Post by: lmalonsof on September 16, 2008, 01:13:19 AM

I'm having problems with the simple choice encounter, this is the script:

Encounter: chat1
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Set lighting to night
Unfade for 2 seconds
Camera on sea_urchin
sea_urchin says, "So I must survive when no one could... sounds easy!"


Encounter: enc1
Type: Chat
Allies: wraith_warrior
Marker: trials

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on ally1

Chat Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on sea_urchin
sea_urchin turns to ally1
ally1 turns to sea_urchin
ally1 says, "Are you here to pass the trials?"
sea_urchin says, "Ummm... yeah."
ally1 says, "There are three trials. To be worthy of the box of the origins, you must defeat the ice creatures to show your body is pure, the fire creatures to show your heart is pure and the trial of the three questions to show your soul is pure."
sea_urchin says, "Where do I have to go?"
ally1 says, "Follow this path."


Encounter: enc3
Type: Fight
Villains: snow_man, snow_man, snow_man
Marker: trialone

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on villain1

Start Cutscene:
Camera on villain1
sea_urchin says, "These are the ice creatures... obviously."

Encounter: enc4
Type: Fight
Villains: fire_elemental, fire_elemental, fire_elemental
Marker: trialtwo

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on villain1

Start Cutscene:
Camera on villain1
sea_urchin says, "The fire creatures... I suppose."


Encounter: question1
Type: Simple Choice
Allies: wraith_warrior
Choice1: egg
Choice2: chicken
Next: if chicken: question2
Next: if egg: fight1
Marker: trialthree

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on ally1

Chat Cutscene:
ally1 turns to sea_urchin
ally1 says, "Welcome. To prove you are the Emmisary and receive the box of the origins you must answer correctly these three questions. Are you ready?"
sea_urchin says, "I am."
ally1 says, "This is the first question. The Emmisary should always think in a logical way so I ask you what was before, the fish or the chicken?"


Encounter: fight1
Type: fight
villains: wraith_warrior
Marker: trialone

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on villain1

Start Cutscene:
wraith_warrior says telepathically, "You were wrong. The fish is reality and the egg is potentiality, and reality is always over potentiality. Now you must fight to prove you are worthy."


Encounter: question2
Type: Simple Choice
Allies: wraith_warrior
Choice1: parallel
Choice2: perpendicular
Choice3: not_vibration
Next: if perpendicular: question3
Next: if parallel: fight2
Next: if not_vibration: fight2
Marker: triathree

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on ally1

Chat Cutscene:
ally1 turns to sea_urchin
ally1 says, "You have passed the first question. Are you ready for the second one?"
sea_urchin says, "I am."
ally1 says, "This is the second question. It is said that the Emissary would come from a more advanced world so this should be easy for you. There is something called an electromagnetic field, which consists of the electric and magnetic fields vibrating together. Do they vibrate in parallel plans, perpendicular plans or does one of them not vibrate?"


Encounter: fight2
Type: fight
villains: wraith_warrior
Marker: trialone

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on villain1

Start Cutscene:
wraith_warrior says telepathically, "You were wrong, they vibrate in perpendicular plans. Now you must fight to prove you are worthy."


Encounter: question3
Type: Simple Choice
Allies: wraith_warrior
Choice1: rich
Choice2: poor
Next: if poor: box
Next: if rich: fight3
Marker: triathree

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on ally1

Chat Cutscene:
ally1 turns to sea_urchin
ally1 says, "You have passed the second question. Are you ready for the final one?"
sea_urchin says, "No but I don't have anything more to do, so..."
ally1 says, "This is the last question. If your are the Emissary you must prove your heart. Imagine there is a group of people giving money to the very poor ones. A very rich man gives them 10000 credits and another poor man gives them 100. Which one is more valuable?"


Encounter: fight3
Type: fight
villains: wraith_warrior
Marker: trialone

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on villain1

Start Cutscene:
wraith_warrior says telepathically, "You were wrong. The rich man gives what he doesn't need but the poor man shares all that he has. Now you must fight to prove you are worthy."


Encounter: box
Type: Chat
Allies: wraith_warrior
Marker: triathree

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on ally1

Chat Cutscene:
ally1 turns to sea_urchin
ally1 says, "You have proven to be the Emmisary. You may have the box of the origins."
sea_urchin says, "Where is the box of the origins?"
ally1 says, "Magic has transported the box of the origins to the King. He is waiting for you."


The funny thing is... I'd have swore that this mission worked perfectly! Anyway, any help would be apreciated.


Title: Re: EZScript, problems with 'simple choice'
Post by: M25 on September 19, 2008, 08:11:25 AM
Can you be more specific?  What problem are you having?

Title: Re: EZScript, problems with 'simple choice'
Post by: lmalonsof on September 20, 2008, 12:21:32 AM
sorry, my fault...

It was the usual problem with markers, now it's solved!
Thanks anyway!