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Community Forums => Other Games Discussion => Topic started by: Ares_God_of_War on May 30, 2008, 10:12:47 PM

Title: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on May 30, 2008, 10:12:47 PM
So have any of you tried this out yet? I like it well enough but still havent formed a solid opinion yet
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Courtnall6 on May 30, 2008, 10:52:15 PM
Is there a free trial yet?
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Tortuga on May 31, 2008, 01:20:07 AM
My brother has it and is enjoying it.  He's an MMO junkie though, so he likes many MMOs for the first month or two, then drops them.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 02, 2008, 02:18:33 AM
my roommate got my the pre-order special edition for my birthday (or rather, ordered it on my birthday back in april and gave it to me on launch day)) but i haven't gotten it installed yet, i'm on a wireless network connection, and i want to get a more stable hardline in before i start playing, not to mention i've been really busy latly looking for a job. got an interview in the morning, hopefully i'll get it and that will solve another thing holding my off from playing; being able to pay the monthly fee.  :doh: the game looks awsome though and i can hardly wait to get started. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 03, 2008, 08:05:23 PM
They havent activated the Free trial yet. I ordered the collectors edition so I have 5 for free. The game reminds me of a mix of WoW and SWG both of which I have been in for a long time. to some that may sound bad but I dont mean that in a bad way. It was nothing like guild wars or CoH but I wasnt with those games very long. Overall its pretty fun but in the blood/violence department it earns the M rating. everything else its rated M for not so much.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 05, 2008, 01:06:16 PM
ok, i got a job now, and i finally got the game installed, and i've confirmed 2 things.

1. the game is a lot of fun to play!
2. i definatly need to upgrade to a better processor in my computer, although useing the low graphics setting works for the moment, and the game still looks very good.

now for a quick question.. for those of you who also got the collectors edition, when do you recive the special in-game items? i want my free drinks for life, dangit! of course, i may end up finding out the answer for myself as i play this afternoon, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Camma on June 05, 2008, 02:30:38 PM
*wipes drool from keyboard*

The lack of funds to upgrade my machine has been painful, and the desire is mainly to try out this game. AND NOW YOU GUYS ARE MAKING IT WORSE.   :banghead:


Ares, what you mentioned about WoW-SWG makes it all that more interesting.  If they could take from the few things SWG did right while making the game as user friendly as WoW i can really see it taking off.  Plus theres blood...which is always nice.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 06, 2008, 03:59:02 PM
What reminds me of SWG is that if you are a caster you basically have a HAM bar. Red for Health, Green for stamina, and blue for mana - you can make guild cities and the character customization is more in depth like SWG. The targeting and non auto attack remind me of how SWG is now but the interface is more user friendly like WoW and the game is good for a "clicker" a "keyboard turner" or your common FPS player. in leter levels it starts to play like Simon in a way. Your main attacks up to level 40 are Upper Left (UL) Upper Right (UR) and Upper Middle (UM) at 40 you get Lower Left (LL) and Lower Right (LR) and thats basically the area on the mob you will swing. when you want to do special abilities such as sweep or something you will click or use the hotkey for the corresponding ability and the following combinations of regular attacks to finish. At lower levels its usually just the main attack or the main attack and one direction then as you progress you add a 2nd and possibly 3rd direction. At 42 I only have 1 ability that takes the initial ability and then 3 directions and none of my abilities make use of (LL) or (LR) yet. Oh and just in case the directional attacks are always the same. its not like you have to push a random sequence. Also there is a sheild system for defences. You get 3 sheilds. you can up them to your left, right or top. the more sheilds you have in an area the more attacks to that corresponding area will be lessened. This can be done in combat and the mobs will do it to. so if the mob has say 2 sheild on top and one on the right you would want to use abilities that take advantage of the (UL) or (LL) areas.

**edit** Lord Elcorion the command to get your free swag is /claim 
as of right now the free drinks dont do anything. or at least not for me. and to get the free drinks its not from the inn keepers or tavern girls but in barrels at the tavern or mugs - you get Ambrosia and it doesnt have a "use" effect so far as I can tell

**edit 2** this game also has collision detection. And the zones remind me of how SWG did Mustafar and Kashyyyk. Also if you play on a PvP server watch out for people on bridges and ledges with horses. Due to collision detection you have to go around then and usually its at the rear end and the jerk will kick you off said bridge or cliff

**edit 3** I play on the Gwahlur server and my name there is Sarevok. Also I am Sarevok on the Silvermoon WoW server
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 06, 2008, 09:12:10 PM
i figured i was missing something. thanks for the info, to be honest, i was really more interested in the ring, and the cape just looks cool.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Sevenforce on June 08, 2008, 04:32:29 AM generated boobies...


(Yes, I know, I'm so mature :P)
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 08, 2008, 07:18:37 AM
 :lol: man the arguments those cause on the AoC forums is hilarious. I am just glad my server is not like the forums at all
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 08, 2008, 06:56:57 PM
it doesn't help that half the females i see on mine run around topless for the first 10 levels just becuase the starting clothing doesn't provide any defensive bonuses. though my male cimmerian barbarian got to tortage city with a full set of "seadogs" armor that looked really really cool. though i'm hopeing that the armor gets more distinctive once you leave the island, ie. stygian light armor looks different from aquilonian light, aquilonian medium looks different than cimmerian medium, etc. and does anyone else feel like it was a mistake to not give Stygians access to the Dark Templar class?
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 13, 2008, 07:01:50 AM
Yeah DT should have gone to Stygia as well but they wanted Stygia to have the only mage classes so they decided they would not have warrior classes.

Also, save for a few peices of scattered armor, every armor peice looks the same from whatever region you are in. I am 42 and everything still looks about the same
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 14, 2008, 02:57:00 PM
ahhh well.. at the very least i know that i'll have a wider range of choices for armor once i get past the island, and they did say in the newslatter i recieved recently that they'll be working on diversifying the look of equipment in general, so that'll probably help things out too.

as for stygians and the DT, i can kind of understand where they're coming from on balance issues, but in that case, it seems that they should have given more thought about includeing the DT at all, or at least thought about not allowing Cimmerians to take it, given that race's well known distrust, even outright hatred, of magic.

i probably would have had the breakdown be somthing like, Aquilonians get all soldier classes and the assassin and ranger class, since Barbarians don't seem like a logical fit for such an advanced society, and the cimmerians would have all rouge classes and the conqueror and guardian classes. then the stygian class layout would be just fine.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 21, 2008, 06:07:49 PM
I kind of know what you mean about the class layout. I really hope the armor improves considerably in variety soon. I still think my favorite item was the gladius I got from a quest. I wish they reused that model a little more
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Dweomer Knight on June 22, 2008, 11:58:47 AM
Do you have, or are you part of a guild Ares?

Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Ares_God_of_War on June 22, 2008, 12:43:01 PM
Not currently. I am taking a break from AoC for a couple of months to let them work out some of the more annoying bugs that MMOs usually have at launch
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: JeyNyce on June 23, 2008, 07:46:26 AM
The game is not bad, but I'm too deep into LOTRO right now.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Lord Elcorion on June 23, 2008, 10:18:42 PM
i'm still trooping along through this, even though my system is not really up to spec for it and my crappy wireless network keeps dropping out while i'm playing, but i'm managing to have fun, and once i get my hardware issues addressed, i know the game is gonna get ten times better, at least. there's a lotta WoWers on my server complaining about how they can't find an OP class to play, and a lotta folks griefing the WoWhiners, although personally, i've enjoyed both games, and since it's not my playstyle anyway, i don't care about weather a class is OP or not.
Title: Re: Age of Conan
Post by: Xenolith on July 03, 2008, 06:35:54 AM
Bought this game a few weeks ago and I'm really liking it.  I think its my favorite MMORPG next to CoX, but that is probably due to my love of comic books.  I really feel like I'm in Hyberboria.  There is a lot of lag at times, and I've had a few missions where the ground surface was just a bunch of black and white "X"s, but other than that, its pretty good.