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Community Forums => Other Games Discussion => Topic started by: Tortuga on April 25, 2008, 09:39:20 PM

Title: GTA4!
Post by: Tortuga on April 25, 2008, 09:39:20 PM
GTA4 is out next Tuesday.  I was interested in the game (I enjoyed Vice City on the PC a few years back) and then I saw the info about multiplayer.  Now I can't wait.  The multiplayer modes look amazing.  I'll be picking this up for the XBOX 360, so if any other 360ers want to hook up in multiplayer, let me know!  My gamertag is EDTortuga.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Figure Fan on April 26, 2008, 09:15:46 AM
I hear people claiming that its release will spell doom for any movies or games released that week.

Anyone else hear about this?
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: murs47 on April 26, 2008, 10:17:58 AM
Yeah, I'm getting this for 360 as well. I haven't read anything about mutliplayer yet, but I think I'll go do that now. My gamertag is Ark047. 0 is a zero. My xbox is in the shop right now, so I don't when I'll be getting on. Stupid 3 red lights of doom. <_<

*runs off to read multiplayer details* :D

EDIT: Just went and checked out and they're giving it a 10 out of 10....not even any of the Halo's got a perfect score, and those games are perfect in my view. I'll check around other review sites and see their scores.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: TheMarvell on April 26, 2008, 11:08:04 AM
I saw the 10/10 IGN review too. Suddenly every other game I still have to finish just got put on back order for this game. I better preorder it. The last game IGN gave a 10/10 review to was Soul Calibur in 1999, and then before that it was Zelda Ocarina of Time.

However, they do say the game has it's problems, but just that they are so small that the good obliterate the bad. So it's technically not a "perfect" game, but so darn close they felt they had to give it a 10. Which is just as well because I find it kind of annoying and really anal when they give a game 9.9 (see Jade Empire).
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: thalaw2 on April 26, 2008, 10:14:33 PM
I've never been more tempted to go out and buy a game console just for one game than I am now.  I've upgraded my computer in the past to pay certain games, but never have I felt like this.  The last console I owned, before I got a Wii, was the original NES.  But i really feel like getting a PS3 bundle with GTA IV.  Good review IGN!
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: GogglesPizanno on April 27, 2008, 12:03:18 AM
I'd contemplated a 360 for a while...
This may end up being the fire under my butt...
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Sevenforce on April 27, 2008, 08:03:45 AM
This game? This caused me to buy an Xbox 360. It will be SO worth it.

Oh, and Dead Rising. I'm having nightmares about midgets with limps for some reason, however.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Tortuga on April 27, 2008, 09:51:51 AM
Like the ign video reviewer says, "This game is worth $400".  And if you buy a PS3, you're getting a Blu-Ray player to boot.  Lucky for 360 owners, we'll be getting exclusive (as of right now anyway) downloadable episodes as time goes on.

It would be a blast to get together online.  Up to 16 people doing various things throughout the city, practically anything except co-oping through the story, as far as I understand.  Bowling, helicopter races, turf wars, etc.

Add me as EDTortuga if you've got XBOX Live (just mention you're from FR so I know who you are :))
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: thalaw2 on April 27, 2008, 08:30:45 PM
Well shoot...maybe I should get the 360 over the PS3
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: The Phantom Eyebrow on April 28, 2008, 12:18:25 PM
This is the game that'll probably tip me over into buying a new-gen console too.  I've been trying to decide which console though.  I'm doing me research on the 360 and PS3 and...well... there seems to be a lot of contradictory information out there. 
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Camma on April 28, 2008, 01:34:21 PM

Yes i too am in the same boat.  My PS2(s) are dying and I've secretly been wishing for GTA4 to be delayed so i wouldnt have to come to this point but now i am eyeing PS3's.  Until i see (not just hear about) a real Final Fantasy sequel (not counting the remakes of 7 and the various tactics games) on a consol other than PS i wont buy anything else.  So i have been trying to save money here and there to start a PS3 fund, but its gonna be a while before i can make that leap.  Regardless, i will at some point get on board b/c GTA has been a staple in my library for a long time, and man this one looks to be just as much of an improvement as GTA3 was to GTA2 (and thats saying a whole lot).
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Placebo on April 29, 2008, 07:03:10 AM
the game physics are driving me nuts!
i've always been able to handle vehicles in GTA pretty well, but it's so hard in GTA4, if I use the normal brake, the car just locks up and slides aimlessly, if I handbrake, I spin about 5 times when I havent even gotten any speed up.
apart from that, loving it, there's a lot of new touches that just make this game superb.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: GogglesPizanno on April 29, 2008, 10:18:06 AM
I sooo wanna play...
But I sooo don't need to spend $400...

Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Tortuga on April 29, 2008, 03:45:23 PM
Picked mine up today, but won't get to play it much until after a weekly CoH event tonight.  Can't wait!
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: TheMarvell on April 29, 2008, 10:56:39 PM
just started playing it. It's definitely a very good game. I couldn't put it down.

However, I do have to say this: the game, at its core, really isn't anything new (yet, and sans the multiplayer). This is technically the 6th 3-D GTA game (if you count the PSP games) and even though it's well polished, looks great, and they included a dream online mode, at this point in the game it just seems like standard GTA stuff. It's still a lot of fun (played it right when I got home today for about 4 hours), but I have yet to feel the "perfect 10" that all these game sites are raving about.

It's definitely worth picking up, but not any more than the other entries in the series were, with the one exception of playing online, which I have yet to do. It's really nice that they included a free 1 month gold subscription card with the 360 version too. =) I really wish that service was free...
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Sword on April 30, 2008, 04:40:17 AM
This game caused a strange thing to happen last night. The DLC and Ranked combat matchmaking rooms in Halo 3 were absolutely empty, and there was no-one online for Orange Box, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or even NBA Live.

Clearly it has some form of hypnotic power.

I'm not getting it, but it still makes me chuckle to see 18 names on my friend list all playing one game.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: daerdevil on April 30, 2008, 11:00:14 AM
Good to hear about that 1 month gold card for the 360.  I refuse to pay for the online component (no matter how well M$ supposedly handles online).  Tis a shame.  I guess I should have gotten the PS3.  I'm going to have a hard time not buying this one.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Placebo on April 30, 2008, 11:37:49 AM
personally I can see the 10 rating justified, the physics are just phenominal once you get the hang of driving, I was amazad that I could drive dull pelt into a tree, and not only did my car cave in in the exact place, I flew through the windscreen and out of the car, obviously I failed to see the need for a seatbelt, not a good choice when the police are bearing down on you eh? ;)
the story is keeping me entertained, it's got a nice feel to it in contrast to some of the previous incarnations.
the new escape the police method is great, I like the fact that police wont start chasing from a block over when they obviously couldnt see me.
the take cover option during gunfights, and the rooftop chases are also a nice highlight.
oh, and a car wont explode just because it's been flipped!!  :thumbup:
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Tortuga on April 30, 2008, 11:52:29 AM
I spent way too much time playing it last night, and I'm paying for it today.  The story is fun so far, with missions that are a good balance between relatively easy and challenging.  I played a multiplayer race last night, which was a hoot.  Did fairly well too until my car flipped off the bridge deck, bumping me from first to last place.

As for XBOX Live, I don't think about it as a one time purchase of $50-60.  It's between $4-5 per month.  I can think of a lot more wasteful things that I pay $4-5 per month for.  XBOX Live lets me play and chat with my brother, friends and meet new people to play with (they're really not all that bad).  Plus, the downloadable episodes will be coming EXCLUSIVELY to XBOX.  My guess is that they'll be Gold membership required.

Anyway, the game is a blast, and I've only completed 6% of the story...not to mention all the extra stuff to do too.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Tortuga on May 02, 2008, 01:41:55 PM
My brother and I played a bunch of co-op and multiplayer modes last night via XBOX Live, and I would say that it was some of the best fun I've ever had with a video game ever.  Ever.

That is all.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: MJB on May 03, 2008, 01:05:18 AM
Played the PS3 version with my brother the other night. Had a blast!

Some of the most fun was had during the "Free For All" multiplayer events.

Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: UnfluffyBunny on May 03, 2008, 11:52:53 AM
synthos84, i'll be on later tonight ;)
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: UnfluffyBunny on June 20, 2008, 05:44:37 AM
after adding my new 13 month subscription to the wrong account >_< my live account is now "synbunny"
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: TheMarvell on June 21, 2008, 03:22:42 PM
has anyone beat the campaign yet? I'm on the last mission, and in true GTA style, it's a royal pain in the arse...
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Courtnall6 on June 21, 2008, 04:49:56 PM
Quote from: TheMarvell on June 21, 2008, 03:22:42 PM
has anyone beat the campaign yet? I'm on the last mission, and in true GTA style, it's a royal pain in the arse...

I did acouple of weeks ago. :D
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Spam on June 21, 2008, 05:08:40 PM
Guh... I need this game. I can't believe I don't have it yet... 'Tis a shame.

Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: TheMarvell on June 24, 2008, 10:23:36 PM
ok, so I just beat it on both endings. No spoilers here, just my own personal thoughts.

I personally thought the "Deal" ending was more of an official ending. It was much more satisfying, fitting, and compelling. I went with the "Revenge" ending first, and didn't really feel satisfied at all at its conclusion. It didn't feel like the end of the game at all. But "Deal" does. Just everything about it is better. I noticed a lot of complaints on other boards about the part where you're in a boat, and really, I had to do that part twice and each time was cake, unlike the motorcycle part. At face value, both endings really aren't THAT much different from each other, but it's the subtle differences that go a long way to a satisfying ending.

Anyways, if you haven't beaten the game yet, there comes a pivotal point where you have to make a choice, and I highly suggest going for the "Deal" ending first (make a game save beforehand so you can do both eventually). The "Revenge" ending is waaaay more tempting to do, which is why I did it first, but I'm telling you, go for the "Deal" one if you care about the story.

all in all, a great campaign, even though it took me forever to beat. I'd say it's definitely the best one so far.
Title: Re: GTA4!
Post by: Spam on June 26, 2008, 11:04:34 AM
Got this game two days ago, and I'm loving it. According to the game, it says that I've beaten 19% of the game... I think. I'll have to get back on and check. But after an intense play session last night with quite a few laughs at what some civilians said, and of course playing through campaign, I'm hugely happy with this game. Haven't really dabbled in multiplayer yet. I played one game of Cops 'n' Crooks, but it wasn't very good as a bunch of little kids were in the game, running around doing stupid crap that didn't help the team.  :mellow:

Can't wait to beat this game.