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Community Forums => Film, Television, Video and Music Discussion => Topic started by: Mr. Hamrick on April 04, 2007, 09:31:07 PM

Title: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 04, 2007, 09:31:07 PM
am I the only person eagerly anticipating this thing coming out Friday??

Rose McGowan . . .  machine gun leg . . .    :wub:

what's better is I have no classes Friday . . . !!!
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Zippo on April 04, 2007, 09:55:19 PM
I'm absoloutely looking forward to this. It looks like something that could be just a downright fun time at the movies. I'm REEEEEALLY hoping this movie lives up to my expectations.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Midnight on April 04, 2007, 10:24:24 PM
I've heard it's underwhelming, but... *shrug*
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 04, 2007, 10:54:19 PM
bah, I'm not looking for great filmmaking with it . . .

just Rose McGowan

Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: the_ultimate_evil on April 05, 2007, 01:58:07 AM
i'm really annoyed that there is so far no sign of a uk release
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: El Condor on April 05, 2007, 06:43:04 AM
Anytime Tarantino comes out with something, it gets my attention.  Even his lesser movies are events to behold. Rodriguez is an intriguing partner to add in to the mix - it's definitely worth the look!

Interesting trivia: did anyone know that Tarantino once boxed with Bob Dylan? :cool:

Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Pyroclasm on April 05, 2007, 07:32:20 AM
I'm not a Tarantino fan, but I do like some of Rodriguez's stuff.  But I'm with you, Hamrick.  I'm mostly going to watch it for McGowan.  :wub:
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Deaths Jester on April 05, 2007, 08:50:16 AM
Quote from: Midnight on April 04, 2007, 10:24:24 PM
I've heard it's underwhelming, but... *shrug*

I've heard that too....course when ye think about it, it's a complete homage to all the old explotation it should be a bit predictable.  All I can say is I'll go to see the "Death Proof" part of it, if nothing else!
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Figure Fan on April 05, 2007, 10:04:48 AM
I keep seeing previews for this. Much to my surprise, Kurt Russel is in it.

The machine gun leg thing is crazy! LULZ!
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: stumpy on April 05, 2007, 07:30:19 PM
I think I was mostly keeping an eye out for this movie because of Tarantino and Russel. Rose McGowen is cute enough, but I wouldn't watch a movie to see her. I think that's how I got rooked into renting Jawbreaker, which was pretty bad. (And, honestly, it seems like she must have had at least one, but no movie of hers that was actually good springs to mind.)

Even Tarantino and Russel don't make the movie a must-see for me, since they have their share of misses, too. But, the reviews so far are pretty positive, so I will probably want to see this.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 05, 2007, 09:14:57 PM
Granted Jawbreaker was not great.  and Monkeybone was much worse than Jawbreaker.  I don't fault her for that, though.

However, loved her on Charmed . . . a lot more than Shannon Doherty. 

Black Dahlia was good.   

The Elvis TV movie was not bad.  I'm no Elvis fan, though.

And that little movie she co-starred with with Neve Cambell and Courtney Cox called Scream was not bad either.

In short, she is better in supporting roles or as part of an ensemble but still is nice to watch.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: UnkoMan on April 05, 2007, 10:51:40 PM
Rose McGowan could be rolling around in dog poop for an hour, and I'd still watch it. The woman is gorgeous.

But yeah, I can't point out a movie and go "She was amazing in this!" Wasn't she in Bio-Dome? *shudder* I hear The Doom Generation is good though.

But this... this isn't suppose to be that "great" in a conventional sense. It is suppose to be mindblowingly awesome for its cheesey throwback ties. And that's why I will love it. Heck, I already know I'll be getting the DVD.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 06, 2007, 04:19:46 AM
exactly, Unko.

and The Doom Generation was good for what it was.  It's arguably tied for Gregg Araki's best film with Mysterious Skin (in my opinion) though the thing that really impressed me about the latter was that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a better actor than I ever gave him credit for on Third Rock from The Sun.

( Which reminds me . . . I need to call the Image Film rep this morning about The Atlanta Film Festival in a few weeks.  Thanks for reminding me, Unko. )

Anyway, back to the topic: I don't think anyone here is going to claim Grindhouse as anything filmmaking wise other than what it is.  (and they are foolish if they do.)  It's intended to be an homage or throwback-type film.

Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: bredon7777 on April 06, 2007, 07:52:18 PM
Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on April 05, 2007, 09:14:57 PM
Granted Jawbreaker was not great.  and Monkeybone was much worse than Jawbreaker.  I don't fault her for that, though.

Rose was in a cat costume in Monkeybone. That alone is enough to make me watch it every time it comes on.

What? That's not weird at all, honest!  :cool:

Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 06, 2007, 10:53:15 PM
Quote from: bredon7777 on April 06, 2007, 07:52:18 PM
Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on April 05, 2007, 09:14:57 PM
Granted Jawbreaker was not great.  and Monkeybone was much worse than Jawbreaker.  I don't fault her for that, though.

Rose was in a cat costume in Monkeybone. That alone is enough to make me watch it every time it comes on.

What? That's not weird at all, honest!  :cool:

Nothing wrong with her being in the cat costume at all and honestly the only watchable thing in the film.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: BatWing on April 06, 2007, 11:26:14 PM
leggun!!! :thumbup:
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: stumpy on April 07, 2007, 01:01:25 AM
Well, that was frickin' awesome!  :thumbup: I thought my cousin might have made a bad call with this one, but she was dead on. I don't want to oversell, because the movie is probably best if you go into like I do, thinking Tarantino is fun, but not expecting much from his gore/horror flicks (having seen From Dusk Till Dawn and not being that into it). Also, a few drinks before the show can't hurt...

With that in mind, there are no actual spoilers here, but I just want to say:

[spoiler]Tarantino is a genius. He managed to catch the flavor of those old seventies drive-in doubles, putting in all the over-the-top action and farcical drama, but still not going so far that the whole thing is a joke and the movies don't hold your attention.

And, I may not watch McGowen roll around in dog poop for an hour (though, no doubt, there is an internet site for that), but this film is her career best so far. I think it must be really tough to play a role like Cherry ("Full-Auto Femur"), with all the 70s homage Tarantino put in it, and still take it seriously enough that you don't lose the audience.

And, meanwhile, the features were more than OK on their own. I just rented The Covenant recently, and I can't see how that was any better than Planet Terror.

And, really, the "trailers" for the movie were priceless. It would have been worth the price of admission just to see those.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Pyroclasm on April 07, 2007, 04:37:57 AM
Technically, Tarantino made "Death Proof" not "Planet Terror".  Credit for the great stuff you commented on Planet Terror goes to Robert Rodriguez ("Desperado", "Sin City").  Two movies...two directors. ;)  Oh, and Eli Roth ("Hostel"), Edgar Wright ("Shaun of the Dead") & Rob Zombie ("The Devil's Rejects") contributed trailers.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Verfall on April 07, 2007, 04:46:42 AM
Saw em tonight. Have to say, 300 was good, this was infinitely better! The ending got a standing ovation if that says anything. I also have to admit I'm probably infatuated with Zoƫ Bell now. New Zealand accent, doing your own stunts.....damnnnnnn......

And to top it off, they're actually making that Machete movie as a straight to DVD feature!

At this point Rodriguez and Tarantino can do no wrong when it comes to my viewing pleasure.

Oh, and [spoiler]BOOOO TO MISSING REEL JOKES!!!![/spoiler]
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: GhostMachine on April 07, 2007, 05:03:43 AM
I've heard there's one trailer that isn't in the U.S. release but was released in Canada. "Hobo with a Shotgun", I think its called.

Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: stumpy on April 07, 2007, 07:46:37 AM
Quote from: Pyroclasm on April 07, 2007, 04:37:57 AMCredit for the great stuff you commented on Planet Terror goes to Robert Rodriguez ("Desperado", "Sin City").

You're right, of course. I forgot who directed which of the two flicks. Rodriguez is great, as if Sin City weren't proof enough...

Quote from: GhostMachine on April 07, 2007, 05:03:43 AMI've heard there's one trailer that isn't in the U.S. release but was released in Canada. "Hobo with a Shotgun", I think its called.

I don't recall any trailer like that, so it sounds like there may be some that didn't make it into the U.S. distro. I would love to see that (and any others). The trailers for Don't!, Machete, and Werewolf Women Of The SS practically had us rolling in the aisle. Maybe all of the trailers will be on the DVD.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: thanoson on April 07, 2007, 09:31:06 AM
Sure, Rose is semi pleasant on the eyes, but that girl is a horrible actor. She CAN use the expletive for doing the nasty, though (four letter word). I think that's in all of her movies. It's in the contract. I think she even mouthed it once on Charmed. Anyways, I truly want to see these films. I like cheese. This is cheese.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: GhostMachine on April 07, 2007, 03:38:32 PM
Quote from: stumpy on April 07, 2007, 07:46:37 AM
Quote from: Pyroclasm on April 07, 2007, 04:37:57 AMCredit for the great stuff you commented on Planet Terror goes to Robert Rodriguez ("Desperado", "Sin City").

You're right, of course. I forgot who directed which of the two flicks. Rodriguez is great, as if Sin City weren't proof enough...

Quote from: GhostMachine on April 07, 2007, 05:03:43 AMI've heard there's one trailer that isn't in the U.S. release but was released in Canada. "Hobo with a Shotgun", I think its called.

I don't recall any trailer like that, so it sounds like there may be some that didn't make it into the U.S. distro. I would love to see that (and any others). The trailers for Don't!, Machete, and Werewolf Women Of The SS practically had us rolling in the aisle. Maybe all of the trailers will be on the DVD.

Rumor is, Rodriguez enjoyed the Machete trailer so much he's going to actually do the movie for direct to video release.

The Hobo with a Shotgun trailer is apparently up on ifilm, according to a post at another board I visit. 
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Pyroclasm on April 07, 2007, 06:10:18 PM
Saw the movies today.  They were great.  Death Proof wasn't as good as Planet Terror, but I think it's because it's a much slower paced feature placed second after a no holds barred zombie action flick.  I think it would have been better with their orders reversed.  Rose McGowen was sexier than I'd ever seen her before.  I very much enjoyed her long go-go dance for the opening credits and she isn't a bad actress either.  She somehow made the missing leg believable and oddly appealing.
Perhaps Grindhouse will do so well it might inspire movie companies to bring back the real "R" to movie theatres.  Too long have we had to deal with the PG-13 action/thriller and horror movies or the "R" movies that are so tame they might as well be PG-13.  (It's just weird going in to watch what is described as a graphic edge-of-your-seat horror and seeing that a good chunk of the audience are little kids because it's been chopped down to a PG-13 rating.)  Bring back the "R" that means something.  Not all movies should be a family experience.  I want the days when family movies were actually "G" or just "PG" and were usually made by Disney or involved an animal actor.  That way I can be sure I'm not getting kicked in the back of my seat by some six year old while trying to enjoy what I expected to be unsuitable for kids.  Although still I don't expect it to change too much since the movie companies are making a killing by allowing kids in to see their neutered versions in the theatre and then releasing their supposed "Unrated" versions on DVD. (That practice is a load of dren so don't get me started on that.)
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: BatWing on April 07, 2007, 07:03:22 PM
planet terror was actually disgustingly good :thumbup:

i almost puke in the theaters :o
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on April 07, 2007, 09:00:04 PM
Quote from: Raijin on April 07, 2007, 07:03:22 PM
planet terror was actually disgustingly good :thumbup:

i almost puke in the theaters :o


hmm, will have to get them to try harder next time.
Title: Re: Grindhouse . . .
Post by: BatWing on April 07, 2007, 10:41:20 PM
yes seeing goery films are awsome but at a small price i get queasy