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Help me design 6000 point heroes for use in multiplayer.

Started by Knightmare13, January 25, 2008, 04:19:34 PM

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As you know to qualify for multiplayer a charector must not exceed 6000 points.

Our team between me and my 2 friends are as follows.



Red Son Superman

We are having a ton of problems making thim under the point limit and still similar to there counterparts. It rough making them not suck at those point ranges......

So im leaving it you guys...... any suggestions?


for ironman, you could go with the gold armor iron man.  or silver.  or the stealth armor.


You are definitely going to have to cut corners.

Focus on the main points and skip the incidentals.

no other way


check out usagents hero files as a base for starters.


Quote from: bearded on January 25, 2008, 06:31:19 PM
check out usagents hero files as a base for starters.

Thanks Beard, but with my hero files I never ever consider prestiege points when making them. 
To get Ironman and Superman under 6000 prestiege points wouldnt be true to characters.. You would have to really water them down and make their attacks very low.

I have never played FFV3R multiplayer, but the original game you could bring in any amount of prestiege characters you set up the matches for.


Just uncheck the "balanced" box when creating a multiplayer game and you'll be able to play with characters whose prestige point cost exceed 6000. Obviously, in case you already know this and still wants to play with characters that cost under 6000, just ignore this remark.


For the fun of it I gave it a try:

     Material:     Stone

     Strength:     7   
     Speed:        4   
     Agility:        4   
     Endurance:  6   
     Energy:       5   


     Punch (Melee):
             DamageType:          Crushing           
             Magnitude:           Medium
             Energy Point Cost:   None
             Stun:                None
             Knockback:           None
             Swiftness:           Normal
             Arc:                 No Arc

Add a low ep costing sprint

and add a heat vision laser beam set to blind instead of heat (it is much cheaper) you can even add stun ad it is still very cheap. Superman could blind a foe with his heat vision if he wanted to.

This clocked in at 5965 if you don't use animations that are to fast.

Oh and this guy will be a very tough opponent. make no mistake.

Yes stone material is not ideal and blind neither or no kb on the punch but you are asking for a 6000 point Superman so....


     Material:     Metal
     Strength:     6   
     Speed:        4   
     Agility:        4   
     Endurance:  5   
     Energy:       6   


add a cheap punch again
and you have enough left for a very decent 1400 point unibeam

Nightwing should be easy.


Quote from: C4 on January 29, 2008, 12:00:31 PM


Why don't you give Superman "Cosmic Chump"? I know energy isn't exactly the same as Kryptonite, but I always imagined Superman when I saw the name of this attribute. You'd also have a few more points to spend.


Quote from: BaronGrackle on March 15, 2008, 12:50:42 PMWhy don't you give Superman "Cosmic Chump"? [...] I always imagined Superman when I saw the name of this attribute.

What about the Superman character implies that he's a cosmic chump? If anything, the way various energies work (particularly electromagnetism and gravity) work together to make him mighty. I just don't see the connection.

Some people have wanted to give him weakness to radiation to simulate Kryptonite, (though the game doesn't allow for that) but even that doesn't really fit the character, since he is invulnerable to most radiation from other sources.

Ultimately, it's tough to give Superman a fitting weakness without FFX.


Yeah, a Superman under 6000 points stops looking like Superman, and it would be better to pick other characters around "street" power level for multiplayer, like Nightwing, but that's just my opinion.


I'd go for the very early Superman: you know, the one who could jump over tall bulding in a single bound, resist firearms shots rather than nukes and lift a car instead of a planet.


Quote from: stumpy on March 16, 2008, 12:24:39 AM
Quote from: BaronGrackle on March 15, 2008, 12:50:42 PMWhat about the Superman character implies that he's a cosmic chump? If anything, the way various energies work (particularly electromagnetism and gravity) work together to make him mighty. I just don't see the connection.

The connection is a foreign, non-Earth substance. Lord Dominion's and Mentor's alien race came to Earth bringing what? Energy X. Energy X is not a part of the earth like electromagnetism, gravity, or the sun. Similarly, kryptonite is also foreign to Earth. In the game, Energy abilities equate to using Energy X as a weapon (it is used by the alien invaders and Time Master alone, if I'm not mistaken). This means that, out of all the different types of attacks (smash, fire, ice, acid, etc.), Energy is the ONLY one that is based off a non-earth substance.

Therefore, the Energy = Kryptonite connection seemed a lot easier in my mind to connect than, say, radiation.


I think I see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't use energy that way. In the first game, I think Alchemiss, Man-Bot, and even Liberty Lad had energy attacks, as did some of the other villains. So many characters have energy attacks that I wouldn't make Superman vulnerable to them. Either way, as I see it, Superman is only vulnerable to the kryptonite radiation because it's specifically from Krypton. It's not a general weakness to alien stuff.

Anyway, my question was about "I always imagined Superman when I saw the name of this attribute." I don't see why you saw Superman as a cosmic chump, regardless of the specific attributes of the energy damage type.


Quote from: stumpy on March 16, 2008, 11:31:24 PM
Anyway, my question was about "I always imagined Superman when I saw the name of this attribute." I don't see why you saw Superman as a cosmic chump, regardless of the specific attributes of the energy damage type.

Oh, that. It just seemed to me that when someone is completely defenseless to material that is made from one's own home planet (regardless of circumstances or explanations why), there's some sort of cosmic irony going on there.

Also, it probably matters that when I first looked through the attributes in Freedom Force I was specifically looking for something that looked like a Superman-like. Combine that with the fact that Energy was the foreign substance, and no other characters were really vulnerable to it, and that's how I reached my conclusion.

I guess it does ruin that theory with so many characters having weaponized energy. But... ah well.