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attribute similar to an active defense?

Started by skeek420, May 27, 2008, 10:15:31 PM

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so i've made a magneto character, and he mostly gets his arse kicked left and right in danger room  :doh:

anyway he has good attacks but im trying to make it so his AI is at least a decently challenging character to kill becuz he would have to be caught at a moment when his shield wears off.

the active defense i made for him would be fine IF the AI actually used active defenses and it didnt automatically shut down wen he throws attacks. and after thorough searching, i couldnt find a suitable replacement in the form of an attribute, even tho a couple came relatively close.



Is this for FF or FFvT3R?

I am pretty sure that both the in-game AI and M25 AI in FFvT3R will continue to protect a character while he attacks...


Quote from: stumpy on May 27, 2008, 10:19:18 PM
Is this for FF or FFvT3R?

I am pretty sure that both the in-game AI and M25 AI in FFvT3R will continue to protect a character while he attacks...

its FF, actually, but anyway no, once i used an active defense, the moment i perform an attack, it simply deactivates. its even a manual option u need to check to assure it doesn't de-activate just by movin around.

also, my custom characters NEVER use their active defense if they are AI opponents in danger room, as I have no idea how to script something to that effect.


Yeah, that was one of the big changes between the games is that ADs now persist through attacks. As you know, not so in FF. I am pretty sure that the M25 AI in the first game will at least let your characters use their ADs, though you might have to convert them to built-in characters (which is pretty straightforward using EZHero). You might want to look up TaskMasterX's hero AI notes (check his profile for a link) as he is likely to have done this. And, a few of the built-in AIs also use their ADs, like the aliens.

I don't recall if there is a way around this attacking-cancels-an-AD thing, though maybe FFX attributes like BODY AURA or ENERGY SHIELD might come close. I don't recall what state those attributes were in in FFX 2.6.

The limitation is that (in either game) there isn't an effective way to use scripting (as the FFX attributes do) to effect a reduction to only particular damage or attack types. So, the attribute will protect him against bullets, which might make sense, but also against radiation beams and acid bombs and direct cold attacks et cetera, which might not make much sense.


okay thanks for mentioning that, i'll def have to look into taskmaster AI.

yea, i did try body aura and energy shield, which work in protectin  tha character from dmge, but he still gets knocked around as if un-shielded, dont like the way it works.

as for limit w/ reducing certain type of damage, yea that may or may not be a problem. i neva realy read the comics, but from wat i understand (might be stretchin it a lil tho) the magneto character's shield should protect him from anything besides mental attacks

anyway, thanks again, i guess i'll just look into the taskmaster thing and/or mess around w/ different attributes till i get somethin workin decent

EDIT: also, i had FFvsTR for a short time, but neva noticed (or just forgot) that they changed the AD's to work even while attacking. unfortunately, tho, there just wasnt enuff custom content available 2 keep me busy wit that one


For what it's worth:

* As I recall, TaskMasterX did a lot of building and fine-tuning of M25 AI for many characters. You will still need FFX and M25's AI. (Just so you don't get lost looking for a TaskMasterX AI or something...)

* I am not an expert on Magneto, but my impression was that he could shield himself from things that would be affected by a magnetic field. The comics are inconsistent about that, but shielding from attacks that aren't essentially metal objects, or magnetic (possibly electrical) energy is a bit of a stretch, IMO. BTW, he is supposed to have some resistance to mental attacks. I would give him DISCIPLINED. You might want to search for Magneto in the Hero Files forum or start a thread there as some people here are pretty talented at getting a good representation of the comic characters in the game.

* There is a ton of custom content for FFvT3R now. You might want to give it another shot. :)

Good luck.


i do have ffx, and noticed somethin interesting. wen choosing mode for danger room, if i scroll to the bottom there are other listings of the same modes (watch mode, free 4 all, etc) and if I select them, it says "error occurred, no module named m25libbase" so this must be the one i need to download m25 AI's to work.

yes, i did give him disciplined, researched the character a little on google. hero file mite be the best way to go tho.

:ffvstr: yea seemed 2 notice this myself, looks like its got a lot more goin 4 it now, tho i'm way too absorbed in FF as it is,  :blink: i plan on eventually givin this one a second spin

thanks for ur help again, take care