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Back to the well... Fixing Middy's Corruptor

Started by Midnight, February 24, 2008, 01:25:42 AM

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Since this worked so well last time around, let's try the gimpiest of my toons. Wildstrike was originally conceptualized as a mercenary toon. Honestly, Mercs/Traps fits him better, but I'm too far invested to reroll. Basically he had a myriad of problems. He couldn't kill (low damage) and he couldn't live (horrible survivability). The new defense math helped, but I never really slotted him properly. Now, here is my projected slotting to the mid 40s.

You'll notice the defense is 18.9% across the board. Sooo, I futzed with it. With Forcefield Generator, Maneuvers, Weave and Scorpion Shield, these are the totals.

As a point of reference, my SR scrapper sits mid-30% (before Elude). Nice.

So basically my question is this: Did I miss something? This looks way too good to be true and I'm definitely missing some critical peice of the puzzle.


That's...painful to look at. Hell, you don't even have full auto slotted, and that power is fantastic. If you plan to go the defense route, you'll basically have to forgo your secondary over your primary. Only put 3 recharges in acid mortar and poison trap. FFG should recharge before it dies, so all you need is 3 def in there. And don't take sniper rifle. Snipes are lame. Weave, scorp shield and maneuvers only need 4 slots max, 3 def and an end reducer. Hell, with 50 ios just toss in a random def/end from any set to get hit the def enhance point and get a good amount of end reduction. You'll probably want caltrops too, they're really useful for keeping things of your back.

But seriously, 6 slot freaking full auto!


:P My creative process involves a lot of "fudging it" which is why none of my attacks are fully slotted. However; understood.