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Community Forums => Film, Television, Video and Music Discussion => Topic started by: Midnite on August 22, 2008, 12:50:29 PM

Title: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Midnite on August 22, 2008, 12:50:29 PM
Source: Linky (

QuoteWarner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Source: Steelsheen August 22, 2008

Just a few days after this article was posted, Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov has told The Wall Street Journal that the studio is going to be reintroducing Superman. We assume this will be similar to how Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk was a reboot of Ang Lee's Hulk. Here is what the article says:

Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes -- known as "Batman vs. Superman" -- after the $215 million "Superman Returns," which had disappointing box-office returns, didn't please executives. "'Superman' didn't quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to," says Mr. Robinov. "It didn't position the character the way he needed to be positioned." "Had 'Superman' worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009," he adds. "But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all."

The article also talks about Warner Bros. adapting other DC properties over the new few years. "By 2011, Mr. Robinov plans for DC Comics to supply the material for up to two of the six to eight tent-pole films he hopes Warner Bros. will have in the pipeline by then," it says. Those projects will likely be about single characters at first, and will be darker much like The Dark Knight:

With "Batman vs. Superman" and "Justice League" stalled, Warner Bros. has quietly adopted Marvel's model of releasing a single film for each character, and then using those movies and their sequels to build up to a multicharacter film. "Along those lines, we have been developing every DC character that we own," Mr. Robinov says.

Like the recent Batman sequel -- which has become the highest-grossing film of the year thus far -- Mr. Robinov wants his next pack of superhero movies to be bathed in the same brooding tone as "The Dark Knight." Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.

The studio is set to announce its plans for future DC movies in the next month. For now, though, it is focused on releasing four comic-book films in the next three years, including a third Batman film, a new film reintroducing Superman, and two movies focusing on other DC Comics characters. Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development.

We'll let you know as soon as the studio has announced its plans for future DC movies.

I'm glad WB is rebooting Superman, but the only thing that bothers me is that "darkness" comment.
Superman is NOT a dark, brooding, depressing character. Just as Batman is NOT a light, campy, goofy character ala Batman & Robin.

I hope by darkness, Robinov mean exploring the darkness in Superman's villains, not Superman himself. Or taking the character more seriously.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Viking on August 22, 2008, 01:14:14 PM
You have succinctly summed up my hopes and fears as well, Midnite.  If these people get their heads screwed on straight, they'll realize that Lex Luthor is better portrayed along the lines of how he was used in the Justice League Animated Series, and not a rehash of Gene Hackman's portrayal in the early Superman movie.

Ah, well.  Guess we'll see how capable studio executives are at learning from past mistakes.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: UnkoMan on August 22, 2008, 03:28:10 PM
"We tried making a movie like the older Superman movies that used to make money, but now we realize that Batman is doing way better so we want every movie to be like that."
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: GrizzlyBearTalon on August 22, 2008, 03:56:56 PM
This news... does not instill me with confidence at all. I mean it is interesting they are taking on Marvel's model of single character movies and such but... Batman is well Batman. I mean the current Bat films don't even seem to support the existence of anything super powered, they have a very real world feel to them. Iron Man did very well and it was certainly not dark and brooding, it really seems to come across as if the WB execs are really missing the point.

I guess if their dark and brooding attempts fail the only left will be to try them as comedies! Coming this summer Jack Black as the Green Lantern! First it was a false rumor but now it is a reality because are other attempts failed!
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: steamteck on August 22, 2008, 04:06:02 PM
One of the problems with modern  movie sequels and Superhero properties  is the people behind them having no idea what made the original popular and are floundering around futility  trying to recreate whatever it was. I think this article illustrates this perfectly.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Uncle Yuan on August 22, 2008, 06:11:58 PM
What made the first Superman movie popular was the dead-on casting of Christopher Reeves, jaw-dropping special effects and an honest "gee-whiz" wonder to the film.  I have no idea who the actor to replace Reeves could be, special effects these days may impress but rarely awe, and we are far too jaded to go for gee-whiz.  "Dark" is the way we roll these days.  Even Ironman was quite grim, if you think about it.  Still, if they have half a brain they'll get Timm or Dini to produce . . .
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on August 22, 2008, 06:31:51 PM
Shoot, if they go for the same kind "dark" as Smallville then I think most folk will be happy. 

A Superman film is not a crime-noir film like a Batman film ala The Dark Knight.  However, a Superman film is fully capable of delving into some dark material.  Look at Brian Azarello's run on Superman to get what I mean.  I truly enjoyed that Superman story and I don't normally care much for Superman. 

What filmmakers need to do when crafting the Superman reboot is do the same thing that Nolan did with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight: draw from the source material : which is the comic not the old Richard Donner films.

Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Figure Fan on August 22, 2008, 10:45:54 PM

That costume will have to be changed before anything else if they want it to be like Batman. I mean..seriously..

You can't do a dark movie when the lead character is obviously wearing a speedo. Amirite?
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Podmark on August 22, 2008, 11:21:22 PM
I doubt they mean Dark Knight dark, just taking a more serious direction than the previous films. Should be a good move ultimately.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: BWPS on August 23, 2008, 06:47:10 AM
 :thumbdown: I kinda wanted to see a sequel to Superman Returns. Also, more Kevin Spacey.

I'd like to see a serious Superman movie with a deeper and more original plot. And a black costume and deep voice and maybe even a mask would be cool. How about long hair? That seems to work well. However, I would definitely not like to see a The Dark Knight style Batman in any kind of team-up movie. Maybe 10+ years down the line with a reboot and new actors a DC team-up would be cool. Maybe even a bunch of movies all leading to a crisis on infinite earths style reboot.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Jakew on August 23, 2008, 07:44:59 AM
I'm in two minds.

Superman Returns had some serious flaws ... mostly the OTT homage to Donner's films, rather than the comics, a pretty terrible plot, and the length. However, Brandon Routh and the way he played the character, was spot on. The visual style was also great.

It'll be a shame if/when they recast Routh, and redesign the suit.

I think the most important thing is: Superman needs a satisfying villain to spark off. Spacey did a great version of Hackman's Luthor, but that "greed is good" character is out of date. If they bring in Braniac, or the arrogant scientinst version of Luthor, it'd be a boost.

I'm not sure whether I could sit through another Superman origin story. Everyone knows the guys origin like the backs of their hands, and its not like you can fiddle with it, like Nolan did in his Batman films.

"Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development."  <--- I love how Green Arrow is included in the mix of iconic characters. He's truely the little B-grade character that could  :thumbup: Childhood fav, too.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Midnite on August 23, 2008, 09:55:47 AM
Update from SHH

QuotePart 1:

1) Bryan Singer will not be directing this reintroduction of Superman.

2) Brandon Routh will not be playing Superman in this reintroduction.

3) Logically, the rest of the cast and themes are also out.

4) "Reintroduction" equates to "Reboot" -- Presently, this means an approach
akin to The Incredible Hulk.

5) 2011 target date.

Part 2:

6. "Reintroduction" is Robinov being diplomatic...this is in order not to upset all parties. This includes fans of Superman Returns.

7. Ideally, the studio would like to have one or two comidbook films from DC in 2010, so if the script comes together we MIGHT see it in 2010.

Part 3:

Straight from the horse's mouth:

8. "I think to the smarties out there, though, this should all be pretty obvious at this point... and I should add that bolded points 4 and 5 are, of course, subject to modified (i.e. in approach and release date)..."

9."Be assured of this: though you can't always please everyone, the studio honestly wants to make red & blue work for both the general audience and the fans; and they hope they can find the right approach to do it."
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: RTTingle on August 23, 2008, 11:04:06 AM
I don't think Superman Returns was a bad movie, as much as it was... misguided.

To this day, that plane rescue (Especially on Imax 3D) was just awesome.  Problem is, it got lost in the rest of the movie.  They tried "dark" with Superman already.  Him having to deal with not only his mother, but Lois moving on... and then stalking outside the kids window?

Lets think about that for a moment.  When you think Superman movie, you don't think that.  Emotional issues.  You shouldn't be thinking about that.  I understand wanting to bring him down to a human level in some ways, but the key to Superman is that he's something we're supposed to be aspiring to... not relating to on emotional levels.

My thinking about my kid, not being a part of her life and the emotions it stirs in me, in the middle of a Superman movie, is not a good thing.  It pretty much shut me down for the rest of the film and jolted me right out of it.  I just couldn't enjoy it after that.

Honestly, as complicated as it should get for Superman with issues is keeping his secret identity his secret identity.  Having him trying to stay a step ahead of Lois.

Nothing wrong with trying to make Superman a little deeper, Nolan did a good job of it with Batman.  But do it in small steps.  Nolan tweaked what we all know and added a little more to it.  Sure we all know what happened to Batman's parents, but now we know why... and why it drove him.  He was the reason they left the opera early and were in the alley... something that was never delved into before. 

With Superman, they didn't tiptoe into the pool --- they cannonballed into it.  Not only did he leave for several years, but when he came back... it was all messed up.  Mom moved on and found someone new, girlfriend moved on and found someone new (who actually is as heroic as you!) but you comeback to your kid too.

That's an emotional drama.  Not a Superhero fantasy.

In smaller steps, over the course of several movies, sure.... maybe.

All in one movie?  No.

That aside though... can Superman work with anything dark?

Sure.  The problem was, in Superman Returns, the world around him was dark.  He didn't overcome it as much as he just got by.  Thats not Superman.  Superman needs to overcome.  You can make his world dark, but he needs to overcome it --- big.  He needs to be Superman.

Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: catwhowalksbyhimself on August 23, 2008, 11:24:40 AM
QuoteSure.  The problem was, in Superman Returns, the world around him was dark.  He didn't overcome it as much as he just got by.  Thats not Superman.  Superman needs to overcome.  You can make his world dark, but he needs to overcome it --- big.  He needs to be Superman.

That's a good way to put it.  Make the new enemy the new threat, really dark, put the city into the darkest of hours and let Superman shine through it.  Now if that's what they mean by darker, then they might have something.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Mr. Hamrick on August 23, 2008, 12:12:57 PM
Quote from: catwhowalksbyhimself on August 23, 2008, 11:24:40 AM
QuoteSure.  The problem was, in Superman Returns, the world around him was dark.  He didn't overcome it as much as he just got by.  Thats not Superman.  Superman needs to overcome.  You can make his world dark, but he needs to overcome it --- big.  He needs to be Superman.

That's a good way to put it.  Make the new enemy the new threat, really dark, put the city into the darkest of hours and let Superman shine through it.  Now if that's what they mean by darker, then they might have something.

I think you're spot on with what needs to be done. 

And it's definitely akin to what Brian Azzarello did with his 12 issue run called "For Tomorrow".  While the story itself has some flaws, it's got some definite merits to it as well.

I would say the villain should be Braniac or maybe Doomsday.  HOWEVER, Luthor should have a small role.  Lex's role should be along the lines of one where "he is the one Superman suspects first" only to have it revealed that Braniac is the one who has caused it. 
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: crimsonquill on August 23, 2008, 01:18:36 PM
If WB is really going for a "reboot" then I'd suggest they take the Krypton/Braniac story to the full extent.. just roll with me here as I try to figure out a storyline that might work as a movie to make everyone happy...

We get a intro showing Krypton having a uber-computer system that runs everything and the population facing a major geological event with one scientific family deciding to save their son using a life pod of some kind. We see the pod fly off into space as the planet explodes and (like the Superman TAS series) Braniac escapes by uploading himself into a satellite or even into the escape pod at the last moment. When Kal-El reaches Earth we see a techno-organic virus/nanites float off the incoming pod as Braniac escapes but his core program is so damaged in the transfer that he is left in status floating around various low-tech computers. We see Kal-El found by the Kent family and some snippets of him growing up and discovering his powers. Clark graduates high school and ends up working as a reporter in a college newspaper (a part of his life we have not seen yet) and there he runs across Lex Luthor and his family's power struggle in some major news feature. Years later Lex decides to break into the big business world by creating a major internet network as a cover for some plan he has.. instead it allows the peices of Braniac to reassemble themselves and unleash him into major weapon systems. Superman and Clark have been bulding their reputations in Metropolis for awhile now but finds himself caught in major disasters across the city where he has to save people and at the same time pull off his job as a reporter with Jimmy Olsen in tow. Braniac slowly consumes more and more computer systems and eventually finds a way to create a robotic body and build an army of weapons to take over this new planet. Lex Luthor finds himself in a position where his criminal tendencies must be put on hold and play his political cards to spread his network of influence over the city (thus changing his status of rising businessman to power player). Superman comes to Lex to force him to shut down this "technological doomsday device" but discovers that he has nothing at all to do with it besides taking advantage of the situation. Braniac completes his system restoration and his "skull ship" rises from Starr Labs weapons depot which leaves the city in chaos as Superman finally comes face to face with his nemesis and realizes that Braniac will destroy his new home if not stopped in time. Superman decides to attack on two fronts by making a deal with Lex that while he is attacking the robots that someone needs to destroy the corrupted code from within the system. We get to see a great battle with Superman fighting big robots in the city (much like the cinematics from the Superman Returns video game) and finally Lex contains Braniac enough to lock him inside of a small datadrive. Superman saves the day and becomes the famed hero we know and love.. Clark gets the big story and Lois to finally notice him... and Lex gets to use his new influence on the city for a plan yet to come as he starts his company to reverse engineer the alien technology found around the city as he helps rebuild Metropolis.

But like everyone else.. I do hope that Batman's current movie success does rub off a little onto this franchise and give us a film to remember.

- CrimsonQuill
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Figure Fan on August 23, 2008, 03:51:47 PM
I don't know. In all honesty, I think Superman is a movie meant for a time we don't live in anymore. In fact, I'd be willing to say that about the character.

If they can give me a reason to pay attention to the character, I'll see the film. Otherwise, no thanks.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: danhagen on August 23, 2008, 04:24:24 PM
Superman is THE superhero, the meme from whom all others derive. His secret identity embodies the Americanized myth of Cincinnatus, the early Roman hero who instantly left his civilian life to repel an invasion, then abandoned his power when it was no longer needed (George Washington is another Cincinnatus figure). Superman has deep, resonant roots in the American psyche that have to do with the immigrant experience, power and aspirations about progress and hope for the future. We need him still, especially because he's one hero who won't beat up a helpless criminal sitting in a jail cell.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Midnite on August 23, 2008, 04:57:10 PM
IGN: Fixing The Superman Film Franchise (

QuoteA Worthy Set of Villains

This one is a no-brainer. Superman needs someone or something that provides a worthy challenge. We're tired of seeing him rescue planes or stave off natural disasters. We want an actual villain that can match Superman on a physical level. The only time the movies ever got this right was Superman II, where he traded blows with the Phantom Zone criminals. No, the fight with Nuclear Man in Superman IV does not count as "getting it right."

Trading blows is the operative phrase here. If Superman threw a single punch in Returns, we must have slept through it. We want to see him punch Brainiac, Metallo, or Parasite. Heck, a knock-down, drag-out brawl with Doomsday could be pure cinematic glee if handled properly.

The Matrix Revolutions was a pretty lousy movie, but the climactic battle between Agent Smith and Neo gave us a glimpse of how cool a Superman battle could look with modern CG technology. We want to see the new movie realize this potential.

Click above link for more info
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: UnkoMan on August 23, 2008, 06:45:10 PM
Superman can't punch Braniac. He'd knock that green skinned sissie's head off. Oh, wait... they don't use that design anymore.

Superman CAN fight Bizarro. Actual Bizarro. Because Bizarro is awesome.

Man, I've stated in another thread that I love All Star Superman. Is it impossible to make something like this into a movie? I don't think so. Hard, yes. Costs a lot, yes. But not impossible. Basically when you hear people talking they want everything different, but the same. All Star does this. It is perfect superman. Gee whiz, people!
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: herodad1 on August 23, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
ive always been more drawn toward marvel than dc but there are a few characters i'd like to see made into movies.i'd like to see a JSA movie with wildcat,sandman,green lantern,flash, and hourman set back in the 40's.TEEN TITANS would be cool also.GREEN ARROW with the go-tee would work also.i think sometimes the not as popular characters can be made into very cool movies.some may disagree but i enjoyed the PHANTOM,THE SHADOW,and the ROCKETEER.i'd like to see a good TARZAN or maybe a SPACEGHOST movie.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: steamteck on August 23, 2008, 09:25:16 PM
Quote from: Mr. Hamrick on August 23, 2008, 12:12:57 PM

And it's definitely akin to what Brian Azzarello did with his 12 issue run called "For Tomorrow".  While the story itself has some flaws, it's got some definite merits to it as well.

I would say the villain should be Braniac or maybe Doomsday.  HOWEVER, Luthor should have a small role.  Lex's role should be along the lines of one where "he is the one Superman suspects first" only to have it revealed that Braniac is the one who has caused it. 

Azzarello's run failed for me on every conceivable level frankly. Anything vaguely related to that would be an instant non starter for this big time Superman fan.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: BWPS on August 23, 2008, 09:54:02 PM
Quote from: herodad1 on August 23, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
ive always been more drawn toward marvel than dc but there are a few characters i'd like to see made into movies.i'd like to see a JSA movie with wildcat,sandman,green lantern,flash, and hourman set back in the 40's.TEEN TITANS would be cool also.GREEN ARROW with the go-tee would work also.i think sometimes the not as popular characters can be made into very cool movies.some may disagree but i enjoyed the PHANTOM,THE SHADOW,and the ROCKETEER.i'd like to see a good TARZAN or maybe a SPACEGHOST movie.

I agree with this. They did Superman unsuccessfully (I liked it for the Spacey, but that's just me and they need to make money), so maybe they should give it a rest and use some of the HUNDREDS of other characters they've developed over the past 70 years. Not necessarily obscure characters, but maybe they don't have to do Superman every time. Steel was a terrible movie because it was made back in the time when all superhero movies were made so McDonalds would sell more Happy Meals because only 7 year olds like superheroes. And because Shaquille O'Neil's shoe size outranks his IQ (it is like a men's 23 wide, but still).

Make a movie about Steel called WhiiIeeeieeiiiyeah Superman's Dead, it follows Irons in an extremely dark setting of after Superman's death, when people lose hope and all that business. Steel could be played by an actor who isn't honest-to-god mentally retarded. That would be cool.

Flash and Green Lantern: A buddy movie (not a comedy) which can develop two of the best DC characters.

Green Lantern Corps: I don't know much about them, but there's a whole bunch and they do stuff in space. That'd be interesting enough for a well known character.

SWAMP THING: Alan Moore's book was really good, I think the old movie is based off the comic book character, but if done right, it would be interesting and creepy and it would give Moore another movie to complain about while he writes child po- err yknow, his books.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: thalaw2 on August 23, 2008, 11:19:34 PM
Forget this reboot business.  I would really like to see a good Batman vs. Superman movie.  Heck they could make it a live action version of World's Finest Cartoon and i would be happy.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: steamteck on August 24, 2008, 04:27:38 PM
Quote from: thalaw2 on August 23, 2008, 11:19:34 PM
Forget this reboot business.  I would really like to see a good Batman vs. Superman movie.  Heck they could make it a live action version of World's Finest Cartoon and i would be happy.

You mean the TAS one? That would be way better than almost any other take. Please Please please not Dark Knight returns.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: The Troll on August 25, 2008, 07:12:28 PM
Personally, I'd just be happy if they made a movie with some kind of time travel that actually erased the illegitimate spawn of Supes from existence, or even the thought of his existence.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: RTTingle on August 25, 2008, 08:25:07 PM
Quote from: herodad1 on August 23, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
i'd like to see a JSA movie with wildcat,sandman,green lantern,flash, and hourman set back in the 40's.

I've dabbled a bit with 2 projects with that thought in mind.

The first was a Sandman Mystery Theater tv series, with various other members of the JSA dropping in.

The second of course just an outright 40's period JSA movie.

Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: bredon7777 on August 27, 2008, 06:58:32 AM
Quote from: RTTingle on August 25, 2008, 08:25:07 PM
Quote from: herodad1 on August 23, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
i'd like to see a JSA movie with wildcat,sandman,green lantern,flash, and hourman set back in the 40's.

I've dabbled a bit with 2 projects with that thought in mind.

The first was a Sandman Mystery Theater tv series, with various other members of the JSA dropping in.

Oooh..I could totally see that working on Scifi..somoebody in the industry should pitch it to em.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: RTTingle on August 27, 2008, 07:22:08 PM
Quote from: bredon7777 on August 27, 2008, 06:58:32 AM
Quote from: RTTingle on August 25, 2008, 08:25:07 PM
Quote from: herodad1 on August 23, 2008, 08:52:44 PM
i'd like to see a JSA movie with wildcat,sandman,green lantern,flash, and hourman set back in the 40's.

I've dabbled a bit with 2 projects with that thought in mind.

The first was a Sandman Mystery Theater tv series, with various other members of the JSA dropping in.

Oooh..I could totally see that working on Scifi..somoebody in the industry should pitch it to em.

No... no... no!

Anyone but them.

They screwed up Flash, wasted Dresden Files, they're about to screw up the Phantom.  They've done enough damage.

Beside, I'm about to be banned on the Skiffy boards.  :P

Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: Midnite on September 02, 2008, 10:09:39 AM
Mark Millar's Proposed Superman Trilogy
Video interview link: Click me (
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: BlueBard on September 02, 2008, 11:10:16 AM
I think they should stay away from a lengthy 'origin' movie for a Superman reboot.  I don't see how they could possibly make that fresh and interesting with 'Superman Returns' being so recent.  (Although something along the lines CQ suggested would come closest.)

By all means, do a quick intro so that the few people on the planet who don't already know about Superman can get up to speed.  Perhaps as an opening montage.  Other than that, they ought to stay clear of it.  By the same token, they need to keep Lex Luthor on the sidelines and do something that doesn't make him the main villain.
Title: Re: Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot
Post by: JeyNyce on September 02, 2008, 11:47:19 AM
Agreed.  May be have his origin done in a quick flashback while he's fighting SUPERVILLIANS, not Lex.  I would keep Lex on the sidelines watching over Supes.  In the second movie I would have Lex create Bizarro to fight Superman and at the end Superman finds out that Lex was behind it, but he can't do anything about it because Lex is powerful in his own right.  This could be done in 2 movies, not 3, but if both movies make good money WB would be looking to make a third.