object.dat could not be loaded

Started by hmarrs, May 28, 2022, 05:30:32 AM

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Please does anyone know what this means'object.dat could not be loaded' and how to get aound it in ffedit


usually objects.dat refers to the Templates tab in FFEdit. Is FFEdit not loading that tab whenever you click on it? Is FFEdit pointing to a directory with an objects.dat in it?


I had similar issues mostly because I space out recently. It means either:

- FFEdit is not pointing to the right folder (my installation defaulted to odd paths), that would be under the Options tab when you start the program and the objects.dat resides in  :ffvstr:/Data/. You can manually navigate to the right folder in the Options tab if need be.

- objects.dat is not located in the place it should be. Look in the Data folder and make sure it is. I did this with FFX recently. More likely the problem is the first thing though.
