City of Heroes: Freedom Reborn Founders Video

Started by Ultimate15, April 30, 2018, 03:53:21 AM

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Hey there! Long time lurker of the forums here and former COH'er + Freedom Reborn SG alumni. Greetings!!!

Did one of ya'll recently put this video back up on YouTube?

If so.... THANK YOU  :thumbup: This was such a blast from the past and hit me right in the feels. <3

Viva la FR!


That was pretty awesome! I forgot all about it! I loved the team uniforms at the end too. I still wish i played for more than the first few months it came out


Quote from: detourne_me on May 01, 2018, 12:12:59 AM
That was pretty awesome! I forgot all about it! I loved the team uniforms at the end too. I still wish i played for more than the first few months it came out

It was such an epic game. There was something straight up magical about how immersive it was - everything from the game play, to the power sets, the RP community, the supergroups, the server-wide events, the costume creator...

Ugh. I miss it so much. And truthfully, Freedom Reborn was the beez kneez back in the day man. I'm not sure if Kid Dynamo, Tortuga, Marmeille or Darkhart are still around, but they really created a great group on the Freedom Server. I felt like when I was a member on that team, I had made it onto the Justice League of America or something lol.


Oh yeah! I totally remember that feeling. Like joining the Justice League!  Especially when you got the Team Costume to wear.


Quote from: Ultimate15 on April 30, 2018, 03:53:21 AM
Hey there! Long time lurker of the forums here and former COH'er + Freedom Reborn SG alumni. Greetings!!!

Did one of ya'll recently put this video back up on YouTube?

If so.... THANK YOU  :thumbup: This was such a blast from the past and hit me right in the feels. <3

Viva la FR!
Hiya!  That was my yahoo channel.  Strange coincidence - earlier I uploaded another video from the Arena League we had fun with.
Great times!


This jpg is labeled fr_lastrespec
So many legends...



I came in after the heyday of the group, but I still played with many of your, and genuinely miss many of my characters.  I look forward to re-creating them in City if Titans, if that came ever does come out.  Development for it is looking fantastic though.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.



Quote from: RTTingle on May 06, 2018, 09:54:26 PM
Man do I miss this game...

I know right. I might be preaching this to the wrong choir here... but there really is no other superhero-themed MMORPG that holds a candle to City of Heroes. It was just so immersive. You really felt like you were flying around a city, playing the role of a 'hero'.

UGH. Someone just needs to create a private server so we can all go back lol.